How to upgrade End User Monitoring (EUM) Agent?

How to upgrade End User Monitoring (EUM) Agent?

EUM Agent versions above 21.4 

Follow the steps given in this help page to upgrade your EUM Agent to the latest version with the Update Manager.

EUM Agent versions below 21.4

For EUM Agent versions below 21.4, users must upgrade their EUM agent to version 21.4 and then follow the steps in this help page to update to the latest version using the Update Manager.
  1. Create a backup of <EUMAgent_Home>/conf/ folder and place it outside the EUM_Agent home folder.
  2. Uninstall the old EUM Agent.
  3. Follow these steps to install a new EUM Agent.
  4. Do not select the "Launch the End User Monitoring Agent Now" option in the installation shield.
  5. Do not start the EUM agent
    1. Do not start the agent service or run the StartServer.bat in case of Windows.
    2. Do not run the in case of Linux.
  6. If Proxy was configured earlier,
    1. In AppServer.xml file, update the values of proxyType, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user keys as in the backup file. If proxy has authentication, add a key proxy_pass and update its value with proxy password and save the changes.
  7. If Chrome playback was enabled earlier,
    1. In geckoprops.conf file, update the value of chromeDriverPath key as in the backupfile and save the changes.
  8. If Edge playback was enabled earlier,
    1. In geckoprops.conf file, update the value of edgeDriverPath key as in the backupfile and save the changes.
  9. Start the EUM Agent.
  10. To verify if the EUM Agent has been updated successfully, access the EUM Agent web console (http://agenthost:agentport/)
  11. EUM Agent version and Applications Manager connectivity status can be seen in the EUM Agent UI.

  1. The agent version can be seen in Application Manager UI under User Experience tab -> Locations.

  1. The EUM Agent will be mapped to the Applications Manager whose host and port details were provided in the installation shield during installation.
  2. After successfully updating the EUM Agent to version 21.4, follow the steps in this help page to upgrade the EUM Agent to the latest version with Update Manager.
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