How to setup proxy to connect to Applications Manager?

How to setup proxy to connect to Applications Manager?

How to setup proxy to connect to Applications Manager for login from file?

  1. Go to [EUM_HOME]/conf folder.
  2. Open AppServer.xml in a text editor.
  3. Search for "proxyType" attribute in xml update its value as "manualProxy".
  4. Set Proxy host name to "proxy_host" attribute.
  5. Set Proxy port to "proxy_port" attribute.
  6. Set Proxy username to "proxy_user" attribute.
  7. For Proxy password, remove encryptedProxyPassword attribute and add new attribute named "proxy_pass" and enter the value.
  8. Save the changes.
  9. Restart EUM Agent.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AMP encryptedPassword="vgsscrt" host="localhost" id="0" opm_plugin="false" pacUrl="" pollingtime="60000" port="8443" protocol="https" proxyType="manualProxy" proxy_authscheme="BASIC" proxy_bypass="" proxy_host="localhost" proxy_port="8754" proxy_user="admin" proxy_pass="admin" username="admin"/>

How to setup Proxy to connect to Applications Manager through Agent Settings page?

  1. Login to EUM agent Settings page.
  2. In the Proxy Settings page Click on Edit.
  3. Choose the Proxy type and add the proxy details.
  4. Click on Update and Restart the EUM Agent.

Note: User can Login to EUM Agent settings page only if EUM Agent is connected to AppManager.

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