How to access EUM Agent Settings page?

How to access EUM Agent Settings page?

Accessing EUM Agent Settings page

  1. Access the EUM Agent Settings page by accessing the http://<EUM Agent Host>:<port> URL. Default EUM Agent port will be 9999.
  2. The port can be found in eumPorts.conf file present under the <EUM Agent Home>/conf directory.
  3. EUM Agent port will be the value given for the 'eum.http.port' key.
 #Fri Feb 03 19:06:37 IST 2023
  1. EUM Agent port will be shown in Applications Manager UI if agent the agent is mapped to Applications Manager.
  2. You can see it under User Experience -> Locations.

EUM Agent Settings Login page will look like this:

  1. Login with Applications Manger Credentials/EUM API Key to access the EUM Agent Settings page.

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