RBM - Enabling the Playback using Microsoft Edge browser

RBM - Enabling the Playback using Microsoft Edge browser

Note: Please note that playback using the Microsoft Edge browser is possible only in a Windows server with Microsoft Edge installed on it

Please find the below steps to enable the Playback using Microsoft Edge in an EUM Agent:
  1. Download the EUM Agent & its compatible version of Applications Manager (Build version 14820 & above) that supports Microsoft Edge Playback. Click here to find the EUM Agent with Microsoft Edge Support.
  2. Follow these steps and configure Service Account for EUMAgent Service if EUMAgent is installed as Service or Install the EUM Agent as non-service mode in a Windows server which already have the "Microsoft Edge" browser installed.
  3. Download/Install the corresponding WebDriver for Microsoft Edge browser in the same Windows machine
    1. Please note that there are different drivers supported for different versions of Microsoft Edge browser.
    2. To find the version of Microsoft Edge browser: Open Microsoft Edge browser -> More options -> Settings -> Scroll down to find the version
    3. Download the appropriate Microsoft Edge driver for the respective version of the Microsoft Edge Browser installed from the link below:
  4. Now Start the EUM Agent and open the agent settings page. Usually EUM Agent runs in port 9999. So access the URL http://hostname:9999/ in a browser
  5. Enter the details of the Applications Manager instance in the home tab and save the details.
  6. Then navigate to the tab "WebDriver Settings"
  7. Under the "WebDriver Settings" tab, in the text box "Microsoft Edge WebDriver Path" enter the complete path of the Microsoft Edge WebDriver executable file.
    For ex: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MicrosoftWebDriver.exe
  8. Save the settings and restart the EUM Agent
  9. Now Microsoft Edge playback is enabled in the EUM agent and one can start adding the Real Browser Monitors (RBM) pointing to this EUM Agent for Microsoft Edge Playback

Still Microsoft Edge Playback is not enabled?
If you have performed all the above steps and still the Edge based playback is not enabled, then check
  1. If you can find "org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: cannot find MSEdge binary " in agentlog.txt file under EUM Agent Logs.
  2. If yes, then check if the path (where Microsoft Edge executable file is present) is added to the System Environment Variables.
  3. If not, then add the path (where Microsoft Edge executable file is present) to the System Environment Variables.
  4. For ex, if msedge.exe is present under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge Dev\Application\" , then Edit Environment Variables -> PATH, and append the path to the end.
  5. Restart the EUM Agent now and check if the Playback is enabled

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