Addressing Multiple Application Instances creation with Different Ports in APM Insight PHP Agent
Issue: After installing the APM Insight PHP Agent, multiple application instances appear with different port numbers for the same application, which is expected to run only on port 80/443. Issue Cause: As per the PHP agent’s auto-discovery behavior, ...
How to enable and disable distributed tracing in PHP applications?
To enable distributed tracing, set the "zpa.capture distributed trace" directive to "1" in the zpa.ini (Linux) or php.ini (Windows). Similarly, to disable, set to "0." To enable distributed tracing: In the zpa.ini (Linux) or php.ini (Windows), ...
How to enable or disable exception tracking in the PHP agent?
To enable exception tracking, set the zpa.track_exceptions directive to 1 in the zpa.ini (Linux) or php.ini (Windows). Similarly, to disable it, set it to 0. To enable error tracking: zpa.track_exceptions = 1 To disable error tracking: ...
How to enable or disable error tracking in the PHP agent?
To enable error tracking, set the zpa.track_errors directive to 1 in the zpa.ini (Linux) or php.ini (Windows) file. Similarly, to disable, set it to 0. To enable error tracking: zpa.track_errors = 1 To disable error tracking: zpa.track_errors = 0 To ...
How to modify the APM Insight PHP agent's communication port?
The PHP agent uses ports 20021 and 20022 by default. You can change these ports by modifying the appropriate directive in the zpa.ini file (Linux) or php.ini file (Windows), as well as in the apminsight.conf file (Linux and Windows). Default ...
How to customize instrumentation in PHP agent?
By default, the following components are tracked: CASSANDRA, CURL, MSSQL, MYSQL, ORACLE, REDIS, MEMCACHED, PDO, and POSTGRES. These can be individually enabled or disabled by modifying the corresponding ini directive in the zpa.ini (Linux) or php.ini ...
How to configure the number of method calls to be tracked in the trace details in PHP applications?
The first 1000 methods that exceed the method threshold are tracked by default, after which only the external calls are tracked. You can modify this by changing the zpa.additional_buffer directive in the zpa.ini (Linux) or php.ini (Windows) file. ...
How to configure the stack depth of traces in PHP applications?
The default stack depth of traces is 15. You can change this by modifying the zpa.stack_depth directive in the zpa.ini (Linux) or php.ini (Windows). Default configuration: In the zpa.ini (Linux) or php.ini (Windows), zpa.stack_depth = 15 Note: The ...
Capturing complete URL of the transactions being performed on the app server
By adding the config webtransaction.naming.use.requesturl=true in apminsight.conf file, the agent will start collecting the complete URLs of the transactions being performed. This option will be helpful when you have multiple virtual hosts configured ...
Customize URL names using PHP agent API
With APM Insight PHP agent, you can customize URL names for your web transactions. Here's how you can do it: Open the PHP script of the transaction for which you want to customize the URL. Add the following snippet in any part of the PHP script <?php ...
Automatically restart APM Insight PHP agent during system reboots
To automatically restart APM Insight PHP agent during system reboots, use the below given steps: For systemd servers: From APM Insight PHP agent version 2.8, agent will automatically start during server reboots for systemd supported Linux flavors. ...
How to resolve "Error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" ?
APM Insight PHP agent requires libcurl to be available in the default library directories, like /usr/lib. However, if libcurl is not installed on the system, the agent can use the library in the /opt/zpa/lib directory. To enable the agent to use ...
How to ignore transactions from monitoring?
To ignore or drop transactions from monitoring by the APM Insight PHP agent, follow the below-given steps. Install APM Insight PHP agent in your application and add a configuration file /opt/zpa/conf/transaction_drop_patterns.conf Add transaction ...