How to reset administrator password in ServiceDesk Plus.

How to reset administrator password in ServiceDesk Plus.

1. Access your ServiceDesk Plus server and browse to [your drive]:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\bin.
2. Click changeDBServer.bat.  Information on the configured database will be displayed. 
  If the database is MSSQL, go to the SQL Management Studio, go to the 6th step.
3. If the database is PGSQL , connect to it. 
4. Click the Windows icon and select  Command Prompt (Run as administrator).
5. Go to [your drive]:ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\pgsql\bin and run 
If SDP versions less than 10.5/ AE version less than 6.5:
psql.exe -U postgres -p 65432 -d servicedesk -h

If SDP versions greater than 10.5/ AE version greater than 6.5:
psql.exe -U sdpadmin -p 65432 -d servicedesk -h
Enter password sdp@123 when prompted.
6. Copy and paste the below query and run it to Fetch Active SDOrgAdmin after SDP 11.0 / AE 6.6 (See below for older versions)
Select al.login_id"Login ID",au.first_name"Name","Login Name", al.domainname"Domain Name" from aaaauthorizedrole aar left join aaarole ar on aar.role_id=ar.role_id left join aaaaccount aa on aar.account_id=aa.account_id left join aaalogin al on aa.login_id=al.login_id left join aaauser au on al.user_id=au.user_id left join sduser sd on au.user_id=sd.userid where like 'SDOrgAdmin' and sd.status='ACTIVE';

7. From the result, select the user and use their login_id in the below query to reset their password after SDP 10.5 / AE 6.5 (See below for older versions)
update AaaPassword set password='$2a$12$fZUC9IK8E/AwtCxMKnCfiu830qUyYB/JRhWpi2k1vgWLC6iLFAgxa', SALT=pgp_sym_encrypt('$2a$12$fZUC9IK8E/AwtCxMKnCfiu','SChar@123Mas!er','s2k-mode=1, cipher-algo=aes256'), algorithm='bcrypt' where password_id in (select ap.password_id from aaaaccpassword ap left join aaaaccount ac on ac.account_id=ap.account_id left join aaalogin al on al.login_id=ac.login_id where al.login_id= Login_ID);
OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY ZOHO_SYMM_KEY DECRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE ZOHO_CERT;update AaaPassword set password='$2a$12$fZUC9IK8E/AwtCxMKnCfiu830qUyYB/JRhWpi2k1vgWLC6iLFAgxa', SALT= EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('ZOHO_SYMM_KEY'), N'$2a$12$fZUC9IK8E/AwtCxMKnCfiu'), algorithm='bcrypt' where password_id in (select ap.password_id from aaaaccpassword ap left join aaaaccount ac on ac.account_id=ap.account_id left join aaalogin al on al.login_id=ac.login_id where al.login_id= Login_ID);CLOSE SYMMETRIC KEY ZOHO_SYMM_KEY ;
 After resetting the password, you will be able to log in with password as 'admin'. Ensure that you have selected 'Local Authentication' in the "Log on to" drop-down list. If the user has any domain, choose the domain in the next dropdown (if the dropdown is visible)

Note: If Local Authentication is disabled in the application, execute the query below in the database to enable it (need to restart SDP service for changes to take effect).
update globalconfig set paramvalue='true' where parameter='Enable_LocalAuthentication_Login';

For Older Versions:

Step 6:
To Fetch Active SDAdmin (before SDP 11.0 / AE 6.6 )
Select al.login_id"Login ID",au.first_name"Name","Login Name" from aaaauthorizedrole aar left join aaarole ar on aar.role_id=ar.role_id left join aaaaccount aa on aar.account_id=aa.account_id left join aaalogin al on aa.login_id=al.login_id left join aaauser au on al.user_id=au.user_id left join sduser sd on au.user_id=sd.userid where like 'SDAdmin' and sd.status='ACTIVE';

Step 7:
 If the version/build is less than SDP 10.5 / AE 6.5 execute the below query:
update AaaPassword set password='$2a$12$fZUC9IK8E/AwtCxMKnCfiu830qUyYB/JRhWpi2k1vgWLC6iLFAgxa', SALT='$2a$12$fZUC9IK8E/AwtCxMKnCfiu', algorithm='bcrypt' where password_id in (select ap.password_id from aaaaccpassword ap left join aaaaccount ac on ac.account_id=ap.account_id left join aaalogin al on al.login_id=ac.login_id where al.login_id= Login_ID);

If the version/build is less than SDP 9.3 / AE 6.2   execute the below query:
update AaaPassword set password='2+uYvE3SLfO3XaHl+CaGLA==', SALT='1103287238602', algorithm='MD5' where password_id in (select ap.password_id from aaaaccpassword ap left join aaaaccount ac on ac.account_id=ap.account_id left join aaalogin al on al.login_id=ac.login_id where al.login_id=Login_ID);

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