Where do I find the log files that I need to send to technical support team for analysis?

Where do I find the log files that I need to send to technical support team for analysis?

If Applications Manager is up and running and the WebGUI can be accessed, refer to the steps in this knowledge base article for creating support information file.

If Applications Manager is down or the WebGUI cannot be accessed, or if the log size exceeds 2GB, follow these steps for generating a support information file:
  1. Login to the Applications Manager installed server
  2. Open a command prompt with administrator or appropriate permission, navigate to the <Applications Manager Home>/bin directory and execute createSupportFile.bat or createSupportFile.sh (in case of Linux) file. This will generate a support information file with a timestamp in the <Applications Manager Home>/working/support directory.
  3. After creating the support file, please upload it to the ManageEngine Upload site. Before uploading, please make sure to mention the issue and provide the Ticket ID. Use the following link provided for
    Existing customers: https://bonitas.zohocorp.com/#to=appmanager-support@manageengine.com
    Evaluation users: https://bonitas.zohocorp.com/#to=eval-apm@manageengine.com 
  4. Once you have uploaded the file, contact appmanager-support@manageengine.com (for existing customers) or eval-apm@manageengine.com (for trial users) with the name of the file.

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