Troubleshooting errors in Microsoft Teams monitor (For versions upto 16300)

Troubleshooting errors in Microsoft Teams monitor (For versions upto 16300)


Ensure that you have met all the prerequisites for the Microsoft 365 monitor.
From Applications Manager version 16300 onwards, Microsoft 365 monitor will use Microsoft Graph API as the primary mode of data collection. 
We have migrated from PowerShell to Graph API as Microsoft 365 PowerShell commands were taking more time to execute for huge resources and needed Administrative user privileges to execute the commands. Microsoft provides only archived data in the Graph API. To monitor live data, use the PowerShell mode considering the user privileges and the time taken to fetch huge resources.
For REST API related common errors in Applications Manager from version 16310, refer this KB.

How to fix "Microsoft Teams PowerShell module not installed." error?

1. To check whether the Microsoft Teams modules are installed, open the admin Powershell window and execute the below command:
Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name 'MicrosoftTeams'
2. After executing the above command, two versions need to be present. If not present, follow the below steps to install the PowerShell modules.
  1. Open Powershell window in Admin mode and execute the below command:
    Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 2.3.1
  1. If error occurs and asks to use -AllowClobber, then execute the below command:
    Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 2.3.1 -AllowClobber
  1. Once done, execute the below command to install the Preview version:
    Install-Module PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber
  1. Once done, close the PowerShell window. Then open a new window and execute the below command:
    Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -AllowPrerelease -RequiredVersion "1.1.9-preview"
In case of any error in installing the modules, contact Microsoft support and resolve the issue. 

How to fix "Connecting to Microsoft Teams failed." error?

If the error still exists, Please do the following on the Applications Manager installed machine and send us the output to troubleshoot further:
  1. Open Powershell -> Run as Administrator
  2. Navigate to "Appmanager_home\working\conf\application\scripts\powershell" directory.
  3. Execute the below:
    .\Office365CheckConnectivity.ps1 'tenant-name' 'office365-useremail' 'office365password' 'Office365,ExchangeOnline,SharepointOnline,MicrosoftTeams'
  1. Copy the output to a text file and send it to us.

How to fix "No data for 'Member Count' metric under 'Channels Details' in Microsoft Teams monitor" error?

To resolve the issue, follow the steps given below:
  1. The preview version of the Microsoft Teams module needs to be installed properly. To check if the module is installed, open admin PowerShell and execute the below command: 
    Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name 'MicrosoftTeams'
After executing the above command, two versions need to be present. If 1.1.9 is not present, then we need to install it again. To do so, follow the below steps:
  1. Execute the below command in the Admin Powershell: 
    Install-Module PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber
  2. Once this is finished, close the PowerShell window. Open a new admin PowerShell window and execute the below command: 
    Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -AllowPrerelease -RequiredVersion "1.1.9-preview"
  3. Once this is finished, you can check again the first command if the preview version is installed properly.
  4. After checking, poll the reported monitor once to check if the data is getting collected.

How to fix "Error : Required permissions missing to collect the Microsoft Teams Usage metrics" error?

To resolve the issue, follow the steps given below:
  1. Go to Azure AD portal open the app created for Service Heath monitoring.
  2. Go to API Permissions and check whether the Reports.Read.All permission is provided and Admin access is granted. If not, go to Add a permission  Microsoft Graph → Application permissions → Reportschoose Reports.Read.All and click Add permission.
  3. Now grant Admin access for the tenant.
Now try polling the monitor to check if the error is resolved. If the error still occurs, follow the below steps:
  1. Open PowerShell in administrator mode in the Applications Manager-installed machine.
  2. Go to <Applications Manager Home>\working\conf\application\scripts\powershell directory.
  3. Execute the below command by replacing TenantIDClientID, and ClientSecret with that used in the monitor: 
    .\MicrosoftTeamsAPIMetrics.ps1 'TenantID' 'ClientID' 'ClientSecret'
  4. Copy the output of the above command to a text file.

How to fix "Error : Service health retrieval failed" error?

Refer here, to troubleshoot service health issues.
Reach out to our support team with the text file containing the output and email the same to along with the latest Support Information File (SIF) from Applications Manager with print all logs enabled for analysis.

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