Troubleshooting errors that occur during monitor addition and data collection in Microsoft 365 monitor (For versions 16310 onwards)

Troubleshooting errors that occur during monitor addition and data collection in Microsoft 365 monitor (For versions 16310 onwards)

From Applications Manager version 16310 onwards, Microsoft 365 monitor will use Microsoft Graph API as the primary mode of data collection. 
We have migrated from PowerShell to Graph API as Microsoft 365 PowerShell commands were taking more time to execute for huge resources and required Administrative user privileges for execution of the commands. Microsoft provides  archived data alone in the Graph API. To monitor live data, use the PowerShell mode considering the user privileges and the time taken to fetch huge resources.


  1. Ensure that you have met all the prerequisites for the Microsoft 365 monitor.
If you have enabled the Enable monitoring via PowerShell option, refer the links given below:
  1. For Exchange Online troubleshooting, refer to this KB.
  2. For SharePoint Online troubleshooting, refer to this KB.

The below errors are the possible causes that are mentioned next to the keyword 'Reason' of the UI error messages on the monitor. For example, Unable to collect Service Health data. Reason: Required permission 'ServiceHealth.Read.All' is missing to collect the Service Health Data refer to the Required permission to collect the data troubleshooting steps.

How to fix "Authentication Failed. Please provide a valid Tenant ID / Client ID / Client Secret." error?

Sample error messages:
  1. Ensure that the given values for Tenant ID, Client ID and Client Secret are correct.
  2. Ensure that Client Secret is not expired. Refer here to check the client secret expiry.

How to fix "Required permission missing to collect the data." error?

Sample error messages;

  1. Refer to the prerequisites and ensure you have given the mentioned permissions to the Azure AD application.
  2. Ensure that you have given admin consent for the APIs as shown below.

How to fix "Unable to connect / Unable to resolve / Unreachable host."?

  1. Ensure you have an active internet connection.
  2. Verify the proxy configuration in the Applications Manager.
  3. Ensure that & endpoints are accessible.
  4. If proxy is configured, ensure that the above endpoints are not excluded in the Applications Manager Settings -> Product Settings -> Connectivity -> Proxy server -> 'Do not use proxy for addresses beginning with' field.
Follow the steps given in this KB to invoke API and verify the response from the Applications Manager installed machine.

How to fix "Unable to parse endpoints in CSV."?

To edit/add endpoints in Microsoft365 monitors, one can edit the Microsoft365_Endpoints.csv file which is present under <APM_Home>/working/conf/Microsoft365Configurations/ folder. The maximum number of endpoints allowed per monitor type is 100.
The file follows the below format for Microsoft365, ExchangeOnline, SharePointOnline, and MicrosoftTeams monitors:
  1. Endpoint,Port
  2. #<Monitor Type> starts,
  3. Host,Port
  4. #Can comment a line with a # symbol at the start of the line if a particular endpoint is not needed for monitoring.
  5. #<Monitor Type> ends,
Sample file to indicate how to specify endpoints:
  1. Endpoint,Port
  2. #Microsoft365 starts,
  5. #Microsoft365 ends,
  6. #ExchangeOnline starts,
  9. #ExchangeOnline ends,

Errors that you might encounter:

  1. Exception occurred on line number(s): {0}. Please check if the given format is correct.
    1. Check the Microsoft365_Endpoints.csv file for syntax errors in the reported line number.
    2. Check the syntax given above reference.
  2. Reason: Endpoints parsing error. Please check the CSV file for any syntax errors or missing values.
    1. Check the Microsoft365_Endpoints.csv file for correct values and ensure the starts and ends header are placed correctly.
    2. Ensure that the endpoints entry are present for the specific monitor type.
    3. Check the syntax given above reference.

Other common API errors

  1. Refer this KB.
Reach out to our support team with the text file containing the output and email the same to along with the latest Support Information File (SIF) from Applications Manager with print all logs enabled for analysis.

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