Best Practices in adding Microsoft 365 monitor

Best Practices in adding Microsoft 365 monitor

From Applications Manager version 16300 onwards, Microsoft 365 monitor will use Microsoft Graph API as the primary mode of data collection. 
We have migrated from PowerShell to Graph API as Microsoft 365 PowerShell commands were taking more time to execute for huge resources and needed Administrative user privileges to execute the commands. Microsoft provides only archived data in the Graph API. To monitor live data, use the PowerShell mode considering the user privileges and the time taken to fetch huge resources.
For REST API related common errors in the Applications Manager from version 16310, refer this KB.

Ensure that you have met all the prerequisites of the Microsoft 365 monitor.

Best practices while adding a Microsoft 365 monitor

  1. For Applications Manager till v16300, refer here.
  2. For Applications Manager from v16310 onwards, refer here.

From version 16310

  1. Provide a proper Display Name for the Microsoft 365 monitor.
  2. Enter the Domain Name / Tenant Name used to sign up for Microsoft 365 account in the Tenant Name text field.
  3. Usually, the tenant name can be found before For example, the tenant name for would be apm.
  4. Choose Services: Choose the desired service(s) that needs to be monitored.
    [Supported ServicesExchange OnlineSharePoint OnlineMicrosoft Teams.]
  5. Enter the Tenant ID of the Azure AD application in the Tenant ID text field.
  6. Enter the Client ID / Application ID of the Azure AD application in the Client ID text field.
  7. Enter the generated Client Secret of the Azure AD application in the Client Secret text field.
  8. Enable the Enable monitoring via PowerShell option to monitor Exchange Online Mailbox and SharePoint Online Sites via PowerShell (Live Data).
    1. Enter the User Email and Password in the respective fields of the Microsoft 365 account which will be used to fetch data via PowerShell script.
    2. Ensure that the above user has Global Reader and  SharePoint Administrator roles assigned.
    3. Enter the desired  Timeout for the PowerShell script execution.

Until version 16300

  1. Provide a proper Display Name for the Microsoft 365 monitor.
  2. Enter the Domain Name / Tenant Name used to sign up for Microsoft 365 account in the Tenant Name text field.
    1. Usually, the tenant name can be found before For example, the tenant name for would be apm.
  3. Enter the User Email and Password in the respective fields of the Microsoft 365 account which will be used to fetch data via PowerShell script.
    1. Ensure that the above user has Global Reader and  SharePoint Administrator roles assigned.
  4. Choose Services: Choose the desired service(s) that needs to be monitored.
     [Supported Services: Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Microsoft Teams.]
  5. To monitor Microsoft Teams, Service Health Monitoring should be enabled.
  6. Enable the Service Health Monitoring option to monitor Service Health Data and to monitor Microsoft Teams.
    1. Enter the Tenant ID of the Azure AD application in the Tenant ID text field.
    2. Enter the Client ID / Application ID of the Azure AD application in the Client ID text field.
    3. Enter the generated Client Secret of the Azure AD application in the Client Secret text field.
  7. Enter the desired  Timeout for the PowerShell script execution.

Troubleshooting issues while adding the monitor

  1. Troubleshooting errors that occur while adding Microsoft 365 monitor (For versions upto 16300).
  2. Troubleshooting errors that occur while adding Microsoft 365 monitor (For versions 16310 onwards).

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