PHP Monitor Troubleshooting
PHP Monitor Errors and Troubleshooting Guide
Check if the phpstats.php file in the webserver's document root.
Ensure there are no modifications done in phpstats.php file
- Check if the given PHP path is correct.
Retry with the "SSL is enabled" option both enabled and disabled in the add/edit monitor page.
Run the below command in Applications Manager installed server to ensure service is running.
telnet <HostName> <Port>
Eg: telnet apm-server 80
Access the PHP status URL in browser from Applications Manger installed server and ensure it is accessible.
http/https://<HostName>:<Port>/<PHP path>
Eg: http://apm-server:80/phpstats.php
Content mismatch Error:
- Ensure that there are no modifications done in phpstats.php file.
- Check if the given PHP path is correct.
- Troubleshooting http error codes
Still facing issues?
If the problem persists, contact our support team along with the following details: - A screenshot of the "Add Monitor" page.
- The URL response for the PHP server status URL by accessing the status URL in browser.
- Reproduce the issue and share the latest Support Information File (SIF) from Applications Manager, with the "Print all logs" option enabled. To do this, go to Settings > Logging, and choose "Print all logs".
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