Real User Monitor (RUM) - Troubleshooting
If the monitor has not polled data for a long time, follow the steps below for troubleshooting:
Step 1: Check the RUM Agent configuration
Real User Monitor requires the RUM Agent to be installed and mapped to the Applications Manager.
Refer the help page to know how to setup RUM Agent for Real User Monitoring.Access the RUM Agent web console by opening (http://agenthost:agentport) in a browser. Replace the agenthost and agentport with your RUM Agent host and port details. Applications Manager connectivity status should be success. In case of any error refer the below troubleshooting guide.
Step 2: Verify the RUM script injection
- Real User Monitoring in Applications Manager requires Javascript injection in the website monitored.
- Make sure the RUM script shown in the RUM monitor details page in Applications Manager is injected properly in the webpage intended to be monitored.
- Verify if the RUM agent protocol, host name, port and App key are specified correctly in the RUM script injected.

- "agentprotocol" - RUM Agent protocol 'http' or 'https' .
- "agenthost" - Hostname or FQDN where the RUM Agent is installed.
- "agentport" - Port number in which the RUM Agent is running. The port number should correspond to the agent protocol.
- "monitor_app_key" - Unique key used to identify the monitor in Applications Manager. App Key can be seen in RUM monitor details page -> Copy Script tab.
- Make sure the script injected in the application belongs to the respective monitor. In case of mismatch data will be pushed to another monitor.
Step 3: Ensure the connectivity between the client browser and RUM Agent
- Open any browser and its developer tool, Click Networks tab and search for "rum" in the developer tool.
- Access the webpage in which the RUM script is injected. Request for RUMScript.js can be seen.
- If the RUMScript.js request fails, verify the agent host and port details in the request.
End users accessing the website monitored in Applications Manager should have access to the RUM Agent. If the website is accessible in internet, RUM Agent ports should also be opened in firewall.
- Mixed content error: If the website monitored is accessed in HTTPS and the script injected points to RUM HTTP port browser will block the request with mixed content error.
Update the script injected in the application with RUM Agent HTTPS port and protocol to resolve the error.
- (window,document,'https://$agenthost:$agenthttpsport/RUMScript.js?appKey=','apmr','$monitor_app_key');
- Content security policy: If the web server has strict content security policy, browser will block the request with csp error. Troubleshooting Guide.
- If the RUMScript.js request is not seen, verify the script injection in the page monitored. Check if the Content security policy directive prevents the inline script. Troubleshooting Guide.
Step 4: Check the RUMScript.js response
- Open any browser and its developer tool, Click Networks tab and search for "rum" in the developer tool.
- Access the webpage in which the RUM script is injected.
- Check for error message in the RUMScript.js response.
Step 5: Troubleshoot using the error message
Check if AppManager is accessible from the machine where RUM Agent is installed.
- Verify AppManager details provided in file located under <RUMAgent_Home>/conf/ directory.
- Refer the KB to know how to change AppManager details in RUM Agent.
- If Proxy is required to communicate with AppManager configure the same by referring the KB.
- Check if RUM Agent is compatible for AppManager.
- Make sure you use compatible version of RUM Agent for AppManager. Refer the download page to know the compatibility matrix.
- Provide valid RUM API Key in by referring the KB.
- RUM API Key will present in Settings -> REST API -> Real User Monitor in Applications Manager.
- Real User Monitor is not supported in Free edition of Applications Manager.
- You need to purchase an license or use trial edition of Applications Manager.
- You need to purchase an RUM addon for enabling RUM data collection. Refer the help page for pricing details.
- Internal server error. Share SIF to analyze the issue.
- We allow only certain amount of page views per month based on the license purchased.
- When the page views have exceeded the limit allowed per month "PAGE VIEWS QUOTA EXCEEDED" message will be shown and data collection will be stopped.
- Page views used count will be reset to zero on every month start.
- Data collection will begin once page views used count is reset.
Purchase license based on your customer base to avoid above case.KEY NOT FOUND
- Restart RUM Agent and check again.
- Above message can also be seen when RUM Agent is trying to fetch monitor details from Applications Manager on RUM Agent startup. Wait till RUM Agent fetches RUM monitor details from AppManager.
- Above message will be shown when the respective monitor is deleted in AppManager or key has been modified in the script injected in the webpage.
- Note down the RUM monitor key from the script displayed in respective monitor details page in Copy Script Tab. Sample key AfHowG5D62YOiWQHXp84DpV8eC2waN2E10000217. Search for the same key in the script injected in the web page. If the key has been modified replace it with the exact key shown in respective monitor details page in Copy Script Tab.
Note : If the RUM monitor is mapped to specific RUM Agent, data collection can happen only in that specific agent.
- Monitor is either in unmanaged state or under maintenance (downtime scheduled for the monitor) in AppManager
- Manage the monitor in AppManager or wait until the data collection gets resumed after downtime for the monitor.
Note: After making above changes if the data collection did not begin restart RUM Agent once and check the issue.
❌ Dont's
- Placing multiple scripts in same webpage. It will affect RUM data collection.
- Placing same script in multiple webpages. It will populate multiple webpage data in single monitor from where the script was taken.
- Don't keep Applications Manager server down for long time. Applications Manager should be up for continuous data collection.
Other Help Links :
- RUM Agent FAQS
- How to get ISP data in Real User Monitor?
- How to enable HTTPS connection between end user and RUM Agent?
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