What to Do When Basic Authentication Fails in REST API Monitor:

When Basic Authentication fails in the REST API monitor, follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:
  1. Verify Credentials: Ensure the credentials provided in Applications Manager (username and password) are correct.
  2. Test Authorization Header: Try manually sending the username and password in the Authorization request header to verify the credentials.
  3. BASE-64 Encoding:
    1. To include credentials in the header, you need to encode the username and password in BASE-64 format. For example, if the username is admin and the password is test, the BASE-64 encoded value of admin:test is YWRtaW46dGVzdA==.
    2. Provide the base-64 encoded value in Custom HTTP(s) headers field in REST API monitor as "Authorization_sep_BASIC YWRtaW46dGVzdA==".
    3. After adding the credentials to the Custom HTTP(s) headers, test the API again to verify that the credentials pass successfully.
In Basic Authentication, the client first makes a request without credentials. If the server responds with a 401 Unauthorized status, the client retries with credentials. However, some server configurations close the connection after a 401 response if no credentials are sent initially, causing Basic Authentication to fail. In such cases, Custom HTTP(s) headers should be used to send the credentials directly in the request to bypass this issue.

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