IIS Server monitor - Troubleshooting 'No data available' error for IIS Websites and Application Pools statistics

IIS Server monitor - Troubleshooting 'No data available' error for IIS Websites and Application Pools statistics

Error: "No data available for IIS Website statistics."

User must have the permission to execute WMI queries on 'root\CIMV2 ' namespace of the IIS Server.

Steps to check the IIS Websites using AppManager script "wmiget.vbs" to execute the WMI query in the remote IIS server:
  1. Open the command prompt with admin privilege and traverse to the following directory "<AppManager_HOME>\working\conf\application\scripts\"
  2. Execute the below script to find the list of IIS websites in the remote IIS Server from AppManager installed server:
  3. Note: Replace HOSTNAME USERNAME PASSWORD with appropriate values of IIS Server
    1. cscript wmiget.vbs HOSTNAME USERNAME PASSWORD "SELECT Name , ServiceUptime FROM Win32_PerfRawData_W3SVC_WebService" > iiswebsitesoutput.txt
  4. To see the output, check the new text file created in the same directory "AppManager_HOME\working\conf\application\scripts\iiswebsitesoutput.txt"
Steps to check the IIS Websites and its performance metrics using WBEMTEST tool:
  1. Open WBEMTEST and connect to ' root\CIMV2'  namespace and provide the same credentials as given in the problematic IIS Server monitor.
  2. Execute the below WMI query and from the result page, double click the output and click ' Show MOF ' to view the list of IIS Websites and its metrics.

SELECT Name , BytesSentPersec , BytesReceivedPersec , BytesTotalPersec , FilesSentPersec , FilesReceivedPersec , FilesPersec , CurrentAnonymousUsers , CurrentNonAnonymousUsers , AnonymousUsersPersec , NonAnonymousUsersPersec , CurrentConnections , ServiceUptime , MaximumConnections FROM Win32_PerfRawData_W3SVC_WebService
  1. If the WMI query returns no data or any error occurred, check once in the local server WBEMTEST tool by remoting into the IIS hosted server and verify.

Error: "No data available for IIS Application Pools statistics."

  • User must have the permission to execute WMI queries on ' root\WebAdministration ' namespace of the IIS Server.
  • How to enable 'root\WebAdministration' namespace:
    • Based on Windows Server versions, go to 'Add Roles and Features' wizard in 'Server Roles' (For Servers 2019, 2016, etc.,) or 'Windows Features' in 'Control Panel' (For Windows 10, 8, etc.,)
      • Refer to Microsoft documentation to know the step-by-step instructions in all available Windows OS flavors to access IIS Management Tools
    • Install the IIS WMI provider by selecting the "IIS Management Scripts and Tools" component under  Management Tools  (or Web Management Tools) in the IIS Server.
      • Refer Microsoft document to know the required privileges to access 'WebAdministration' namespace i.e., user must be an administrator to connect to the WebAdministration WMI namespace.
  • How to check the required namespaces are accessible from the AppManager installed server to the IIS Server:
    • Do WBEMTest from AppManager installed server and try remoting to the IIS Server for both ' root\CIMV2 ' and ' root\WebAdministration ' namespaces using the same host, credentials as given in the IIS Server monitor.
    • If unable to connect to the required namespaces, try connecting directly in the local server by remoting into IIS hosted Server using WBEMTEST tool.
  • If the required namespaces are present and able to access from AppManager Server but no data for Applications Pools statistics:
    • Execute the iisAppPoolList.vbs script with the host information of the problematic IIS Server monitor via command prompt.
    • Navigate to < Applications Manager Home>\working\conf\application\script  directory and execute the following command:
    • cscript iisAppPoolList.vbs hostname username password
    • Example : cscript iisAppPoolList.vbs iishost adminuser pwd123
  • If the script results shows " Invalid namespace ", do the below steps:
  • Execute the following command in a PowerShell command prompt window on the IIS server machine to verify whether the namespace 'WebAdministration' is registered or not, as below:
  • gwmi -namespace "root" -class "__Namespace" | Select Name
  • If still not present after enabling  IIS Management Scripts and Tools  component under  Management Tools, share us the screenshot of script output along with latest SIF file.

From Applications Manager v15120 onwards, we have removed IIS v6 dependencies which were mandatory till v15110 of Applications Manager as listed hereUsers with IIS Server version 7 and above can revert those dependencies if required as we no more use 'root\MicrosoftIISv2' namespace to fetch Application Pools statistics.
Following are the IIS v6 dependencies features/tools : Under 'IIS 6 Management Compatibility'
  1. IIS 6 Management Console
  2. IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
  3. IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility

  1. For Applications Manager versions below v15120, user must enable both 'root\MicrosoftIISv2' and 'root\WebAdministration' namespaces in the respective IIS Server machine.
  2. From Applications Manager v15120, our script will work only for IIS Server version 7 and above. If you still have IIS Server version below 7 in your environment then please contact us to get the modified script to work for both the cases. 
    1. In that case make sure you have enabled 'IIS 6 Management Compatibility' dependency modules to enable 'root\MicrosoftIISv2' namespace.
  3. Note: IIS Server v6.0 supported in Windows Server 2003 edition.

To troubleshoot further, please contact our support and send us the following information:

  1. Change the log settings to 'Print all logs' ('Admin' tab > 'Product Settings' > 'Logging' > choose 'Print all logs' in 'Current log settings' ) and poll the problematic IIS Server monitor(s) and generate SIF and send us the SIF file to analyze further. Note: Finally revert the log settings to 'Print detailed Debug errors'
  2. Send us the IIS Monitor page and Edit monitor page screenshots.
  3. Execute the below queries separately and share us the output: Note: Replace '<RESOURCETYPEID>' with the respective type id.
      1. Example: SELECT * FROM AM_ARGS_10000359
      2. To get the RESOURCETYPEID, execute the following query
      4. Replace the RESOURCETYPEID value in the above query and then execute.

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