Troubleshooting Basic WMI Connection

Troubleshooting Basic WMI Connection

Troubleshoot Basic WMI connectivity

If you're using Applications Manager version 15470 or above, navigate to Admin > Self Help Tools and select the monitor type to troubleshoot the issue. Click here for more details.

If you encounter an error in the Self Help Tools, follow the steps below to check the WMI connection using the VBScript used in the monitor.
  1. Open command prompt in Administrator mode in Applications Manager installed machine.
  2. Navigate to the <Applications Manager Home>\working\conf\application\scripts directory.
  3. Execute the following command by replacing hostname, username, and password with the  credentials of the remote server used in the monitor:
    (For Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, IIS Server, Microsoft MQ monitors)
    cscript wmiget.vbs hostname username password "Select * from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Processor where Name='_Total'"
    (For Active Directory, Microsoft Dynamics CRM / 356 On Prem, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Skype for Business, Network Policy Server, Microsoft Biztalk monitors)
    cscript wmicheckauthentication.vbs hostname username password "Select * from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Processor where Name='_Total'"
  4. Check the output of the command to verify the connection and identify any issues.
  1. If an error occurs during the above steps, try running the same query directly in the wbemtest tool on the Applications Manager server by connecting to the remote server. Refer the steps under the section "Checking connectivity with WMI Tester" for instructions on using the wbemtest tool. If an error occurs, troubleshoot using the same KB.
  1. If an error occurs in the wbemtest tool as well, the issue is likely at the server level itself. In this case, recheck the prerequisites and consult the server team or Microsoft support, as wbemtest is a built-in Windows tool. Only after successfully establishing the connection and running the query in the wbemtest tool will we be able to run the script and collect the data.

If you encounter an error in Self Help Tools or while running the script directly but are able to connect using the wbemtest tool, please reach out to our support team at with the error or output received from the above steps. Additionally, include the latest Support Information File (SIF) from Applications Manager with 'Print all logs' enabled and issue reproduced for further analysis.

What to do if you experience intermittent WMI Connectivity Errors

If you've completed the above steps and can connect to the remote server, but the WMI test fails randomly, consider the following possibilities:
  1. Verify if the account used for monitoring is getting locked for any reason.
  2. Check the event logs for any unusual occurrences at the time of the error, including DCOM errors.
  3. Ensure there have been no changes to the permissions of the monitoring account.
  4. Double-check the credentials used for monitoring. 
If there are intermittent issues with WMI itself, these will be reflected in Applications Manager. Thus, it is unlikely to be an issue within Applications Manager, as errors would occur consistently rather than only at specific times. For further troubleshooting, please consult your server team or Microsoft support.

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