"Authentication Failed or Access denied" message is shown, when trying to add the Server Monitor through WMI mode.

"Authentication Failed or Access denied" message is shown, when trying to add the Server Monitor through WMI mode.

Domain and IP Address Issues

  1. If the machine is part of a domain, specify the username in DOMAIN\Username format. For example: CORP\Administrator where CORP is the domain name and Administrator is the username.

  2. If the machine is not part of a domain, specify the username in MachineName\Username
    Note: Here, MachineName refers to the ComputerName i,e name of the machine/computer.
    For example:
    WIN-SERVER-1\administrator where WIN-SERVER-1 is the machine name and administrator is the username.

  3. To identify which domain the machine is part of, navigate to Control Panel User Accounts User Accounts to see the list of users in the system along with the  domain and groups they belong to. 

Checking the Windows Services that are necessary for WMI connection

Ensure that the following services have been enabled and are running on the Remote Server. It is recommended to make the service Startup Type as Automatic to avoid any interruptions in monitoring when the Server is restarted.
  1. COM+ Event System

  2. Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

  3. Remote Access Connection Manager

  4. Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

  5. Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator

  6. Remote Registry

  7. Server

  8. Windows Management Instrumentation

  9. Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions

  10. WMI Performance Adapter

  11. Workstation


Firewall Settings

Open a command prompt with administrator privileges in the Remote Server and execute the following commands to configure the firewall to allow remote administration.

     netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Windows Remote Management" new enable=yes

     netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="windows management instrumentation (wmi)" new enable=yes

     netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote administration" new enable=yes

If a No rules match the specified criteria message appears (See screenshot below for reference) execute the below commands:

     netsh firewall set service remoteadmin enable

     netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote administration" new enable=yes

Checking connectivity with WMI Tester

  1. Go to Start → Run → WBEMTEST to open Windows Management Instrument Tester.

  2. Click the Connect button. Provide Namespace in the format: \\hostname\root\cimv2.

  3. Provide the Username and Password. Now click on the Connect button.

  4. In case you encounter an error, try giving the IP Address in place of the hostname (<\\ipaddress\root\cimv2>). If it works, then you will be able to access the machine through the IP address only . This maybe due to the existence of some wrong entries in the hosts file of the target server. Remove the wrong entries in the file and try with the hostname. The hosts file will be in the path C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. 

If the error code is "0x80070005", 
For the user in WORKGROUP, go to step Checking DCOM and COM settings on the Remote Server.

If the error code is "0x80041003",
For the User in WORKGROUP, go to step Checking User permissions and WMI Management settings on the Remote Server

Checking DCOM and COM settings on the Remote Server

  1. Go to Start → Run → dcomcnfg to open the Component Services console.

  2. Click on Component Services Computers. Right click on My Computer and select Properties.

  3. Select the Default Properties tab and check whether the following has been implemented:

    1. The property Enable Distributed COM on this computer has been enabled.

    2. The option Default Authentication Level option has been chosen as Connect.

    3. The option Default Impersonation Level  has been chosen as Impersonate or Identify.

  4. Select the COM Security tab check whether the following has been implemented: 
               Click Edit Limits under Access Permissions and check the following:

    1. For the User or the Group that the User belongs to, check whether the Local and Remote Access property has been enabled.
      Click Edit Limits under Launch and Activation Permissions. 

    2. For the User or the Group that the User belongs to, check if the following properties have been enabled.

      1. Local Launch

      2. Remote Launch

      3. Local Access

      4. Remote Access

Checking User permissions and WMI Management settings on the Remote Server

  1. Go to Start → Run → wmimgmt.msc to open the Component Services console.

  2. Right Click on the WMI Control → select PropertiesSecurity tab → Click Security → Click Advanced button.

  3. Select the User or the Group that the User belongs to. Create and add the User if the user hasn't been listed.

  4. Click the Edit option.

    1. Select Type as Allow

    2. Select Applies to as This namespace and subnamespaces.

    3. Check whether the following permissions have been enabled.

      1. Execute Methods

      2. Enable Account

      3. Remote Enable

      4. Read Security

      Checking rights for the User on Remote Server

  1. Go to Start → Run → gpedit.msc to open Local Group Policy Editor.

  2. Click on Local Computer Policy and go to Computer ConfigurationWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsLocal PoliciesUser Rights Assessment.

  3. Double click on the Impersonate a client after authentication policy.

  4. Add the user who is going to monitor this Server in Applications Manager.

After verifying all the steps mentioned above, try to add the above mentioned user for monitoring the server in Applications Manager.

Note: For adding a windows monitor in WMI mode, It is recommended that the user has admin privilege .


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