APM Insight - Agents Troubleshooting and Compatibility Guide

APM Insight - Agents Troubleshooting and Compatibility Guide

To optimize performance and troubleshooting, Please provide the following details related to the respective agents and cross-verify compatibility from the provided help pages.

Java Agent

  1. Application Server & Version : __________________  [Eg. Apache Tomcat, Jboss]
  2. Database backend & Database driver with version : ________________  [Eg. MSSQL, mssql-jdbc-6.2.2]
  3. JVM / JDK Version : __________________ [Eg. Java 11]
  4. On-premises / Cloud / Microservices : ___________________ [Eg. Docker / GCP / Azure / On-prem app]
  5. Web Frameworks / Components used : __________________ [Eg. Struts, Spring, Hibernate]

.NET Agent

  1. .Net Framework Version : ______________ [Eg. .Net Framework 4.0]
  2. OS Type & OS Architecture: ________________ [Eg. Windows Server 2019]
  3. Database Backend & Version : ______________ [Eg. MSSQL, MySQL, OLE DB]
  4. Application Type  : ________________ [Eg.  .NET Web Application hosted on IIS, .NET Service, or .NET Desktop Application]
  5. Internal Components : __________________ [Eg. ASPX, MVC]
  6. External Components (Web Service Calls) : __________________ [Eg. ASMX , WCF, Web API]
  7. Memcached & NoSQL (if any) : ______________ [Eg. Redis, Cassandra]
  8. Queue (if any) : ___________________ [E.g. MSMQ]

.NET Core Agent 

  1. .Net Core Framework version : _________________ [Eg..NET Core framework v2.0, v3.0]
  2. OS Type & OS Architecture: ________________ [Eg. Windows Server 2019]
  3. Application Type  : ________________ [Eg. .NET Core Web Application hosted on IIS, .NET Core Service]
  4. Web service : __________________ [Eg.MVC,WebAPI]
  5. Database : ____________________ [Eg.PostgreSQL, MSSQL, OLE DB]

Node.js Agent

  1. Node.js version : _______________ [Eg. Node.js 4]
  2. Frameworks : _________________ [Eg. Express]
  3. Databases supported : _______________ [Eg. MySQL, MongoDB]

PHP Agent

  1. PHP Version : ________________ [Eg. PHP 5.3, PHP 7.4 ]
  2. OS Type & OS Architecture: ________________ [Eg. Linux OS 64 bit]
  3. Web Server & Version: _________________ [Eg. Apache2, IIS]
  4. Framework Used : __________________ [Eg. Laravel, Drupal]
  5. Database Server & Version : _____________ [Eg. SQLite, PostgreSQL]
  6. Screenshot of command :
    1. php -v
  7. Before and After Installation - phpinfo.php output as html file 

Ruby Agent

  1. Environment Used & Version : _______________ [Eg. Ruby - 1.8.7, Rails - 3.0, Sinatra - 1.4.0]
  2. Application Server : _______________ [Eg. Puma]
  3. Database Server : ________________ [Eg. SQLite]

Python Agent

  1. Python Version:_______________ [Eg. Python 3.5.0]
  2. Framework Used:_______________ [Eg. Django, Flask]
  3. Database Server & Version :_____________ [Eg. PyMySQL v1.0.1, SQLite v2.0.0]
  4. External Components:_____________ [Eg. Redis]
  5. HTTP Libraries Used:_____________ [Eg. http.client, httplib2]
  6. Async Libraries Used: _____________ [Eg. aioredis, aredis]

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