Supportcenter Plus 8119 release and Important Update on 11.0 Service pack

Supportcenter Plus 8119 release and Important Update on 11.0 Service pack

Dear Users

Greetings for the day.

We released Supportcenter Plus (SCP) 8119 today.  We are planning to release the SCP 11.0 service pack (PPM) for existing users who are in build less than 8118 (7,8,8.1 versions) to upgrade their instance along with data and configuration to the latest version 11.0 by mid of next month.

This 8119 release is the base build for all such instances to upgrade their instance to the latest version 11.0. Please upgrade to 8.1 version - 8119 build using the path mentioned here. You can know your instance - version/build number from the About page in the top left of the user interface.

We request you to utilize this period and upgrade your existing set up to 8119 soon. As there are a lot of database table level changes in the 11.0 version, to ease the 11.0 upgrade process , we bundled the Prerequisites for the 11.0 upgrade in this 8119 build itself. Please go to Help -> Prerequisites menu present in the top right of the 8119 user interface and refer to the same.

This prerequisite page will list down the existing Admin configurations to be corrected so that it will be compatible with the 11.0 upgrade and a couple of Important Behavior changes. Please make the necessary changes in your existing setup and get ready for the 11.0 version upgrade.

Please do the test upgrade only in a test environment to avoid unexpected production failures/issues. Please make sure you have a proper database backup, a snapshot of the machine where your existing set up is present. Both these are mandatory while doing upgrades.

In case of any upgrade failures during this process, please zip the logs folder present under Supportcenter/server/default/log from the failed instance of Supportcenter Plus and send it to our support at for analysis.

You can upload the log files at if the file size is huge.

Note :

1. Please do not try the upgrade in your production environment directly.
3. It is not possible to upgrade the failed installation data from the test installation to your production at any point in time.

Caution : Make sure this test system is out of your network , such that no new emails will be fetched or notifications will not be sent from this test set up.  Please execute the queries mentioned in Point 2 such that it will work as test set up.

5. Do all upgrades only using Windows Admin user login and even open the command prompt using "Run as administrator" to execute the updatemanager.bat to start the upgrade process.

Please go through this and do the 8119 upgrades now and also get ready with the set up to do the major 11.0 upgrade by next month. 

Thanks for your understanding

Head of Service Delivery Team
ManageEngine Supportcenter Plus Team

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