In 10.6 when running a backup using backdata.bat/ the backup file will be in .ezip format. Backup with .ezip format can be restored to the same database platform only. For example a backup with .ezip when taken from postgres DB cannot be restore in an MSSQL DB. A .ezip backup taken from an MSSQL instance cannot be restored to a porsgres DB or to MSSQL DB on another server.
While migrating to different database you can use backupdataold.bat / Here backup will be in .data format and this can be restored in across DB platform.
restoredata.bat --dbmigration . Then browse .data file ( windows )
If you are using MSSQL as a database, then we recommend taking a .bak extension backup from the MSSQL studio and use the same. However, its not a full backup and it won't backup the below folders
In case of server migration you can copy the above folder manually.
Full Backup
1. Stop ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus – MSP service.
2. From the command prompt, go to [ServiceDesk Plus-MSP-Home]\bin directory and execute backUpData.bat command to start the backup.
Once the backup is complete, a backup file with .ezip extension is placed in the Backup folder under ServiceDesk Plus – MSP Home directory. This backup file contains information such as, the Build number of ServiceDesk Plus – MSP, and also the date and time when the backup was performed.
The format of the backup file is shown below,
Backup_ ServiceDesk_ [Build number] _Month _date _ Year _ Hour _Minutes
For example, a backup taken in Version 10.5 of buils 10509 of ServiceDesk Plus – MSP looks like this
Trimmed Backup
ServiceDesk Plus – MSP is designed in such a way that the file attachments are not stored in the database. The attachments are stored in the file attachments folder of the installation directory (C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP). If there are lots of attachments in your ServiceDesk installation you can save time by performing a backup without file attachments (i.e.) backup of the database alone.
1. Open a command prompt as an administrator, navigate to the below directory and execute the command as below,
C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk Plus MSP\bin>trimmedBackUpData.bat
Note: Kindly verify if it says ‘it is going to take a backup without file attachments’ as highlighted in the screenshot.
Once the backup is complete, a backup file with .ezip extension is placed in the Trimmed Backup folder under ServiceDesk Plus – MSP Home directory.
This backup file contains information such as, the Build number of ServiceDesk Plus – MSP, and date and time when the backup was performed. Here is the format of the backup file.
Backup_ ServiceDesk_ [Build number] _Month _date _ Year _ Hour _Minutes
For example, a trimmed backup taken in Version 10.5 and Build 10509 of ServiceDesk Plus – MSP looks like this
NOTE: There will be multiple parts in it. Example – backup_servicedesk_10509_database_<date>_part1.ezip and backup_servicedesk_10509_fullbackup_<date>_part2.ezip. This complete folder is your backup of the database.
For restore process, if you initiate the 1st part it is always enough, as the system will restore the rest of the parts. Refer here for restore process. After restoring the Data using the Backup please manually copy the below folders from the old server under <Drive>:\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP and paste it in the new server in the same location:
Inline images
File attachments
Users with postgres DB can use this backup. Builds lesser than 10.5 uses only .data backup and in 10.6 builds we introduced .ezip format.
Users who have configured MSSQL as a DB can take backup from the MSSQL studio. However, it is possible to take a application backup also.
For users with MSSQL DB, we high recommened using the MSSQL backup (.bak format) since its faster and efficient. However, MSSQL backups are also a trimmed backup and does not backup the below folders
In an event of server or drive/folder migration, please copy and replace the above folders
The time depends upon the system resources. Trimmed backup is coniderably faster than full backup. MSSQL backup is much faster the application backup.