Workaround for #8610553 - Prevent conversation creation without inline images

Workaround for #8610553 - Prevent conversation creation without inline images


Due to some exception in writing inline images stream to file, request / conversation is created without the inline images as shown below

This leads to data loss and may not be noticed immediately. So, we couldn't get the relevant traces all the time in the logs.


      Workaround has been prepared for this as follows

1. Whenever such exception occurs, error will be thrown to stop the Mail fetching schedule. The mail will not be processed (ie. conversation / new request from that mail will not be created).
2. You need to configure error folder to prevent schedule from stopping. Kindly enable notification in error folder configuration and configure yourselves as one of the technicians in the "Application error notification rule". Doing this, any email facing this error will be moved from Inbox to error folder and the configured technicians will be notified through e-mail.
3. Once you receive the notification, immediately zip us the logs folder (If your installation directory is C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk then, zip us the C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\logs folder) and send it to us using our FTP link Select the product as "ServiceDesk Plus" and ticket number as 8610553.
4. We will analyse the logs of that time and get back to your with our analysis / further steps.

Steps to apply the workaround

1. Download the attached 14105_8610553.fjar file.
2. Click here on steps to apply the fjar file.
3. Restart the application service.

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