- If you are using OPM Connector in APM Plugin, pause the OPM Connector integration in APM Plugin GUI before proceeding to upgrade. Enable OPM Connector only when complete upgrade of OpManager and APM Plugin are completed.
- During the upgrade process, you might be prompted to import the ManageEngine public key certificate file. Please download the ppmsigner_publickey.crt file and keep it ready. If Update Manager prompts you to import the public certificate, select the ppmsigner_publickey.crt file. (This is a one-time process used to verify the integrity of Service Pack .PPM file)
Upgrading OpManager
Browse through the following topics to upgrade OpManager based on respective editions:

Applying Multiple Update Packs Guide:
If you're applying multiple OpManager update packs or intermediate updates, follow OpManager upgrade step for each pack. Furthermore, before progressing to the subsequent OpManager version upgrade, remember to update the APM plugin to the corresponding compatible version for each OPM intermediate update. This sequential approach ensures a seamless and successful upgrade process.
For example, if your current OpManager version is build 126329 and you want to move to build 127141 and APM Plugin is build version is 16424 and you want to upgrade to 16515, please follow these steps:
- Upgrade to intermediate Build 1270xx:
- Begin by upgrading your OpManager Edition to reach build 1270xx (for instance, 127006).
- After the upgrade, start OpManager and ensure the OpManager UI is accessible.
- Wait for the report data migration to finish before stopping OpManager.
- In case of OPM Enterprise Edition, upgrade the central to 1270xx, upgrade all the OPM probes to 1270xx.
- Upgrade Applications Manager Plugin to 1651x and Plugin Data Migration:
- Upgrade the Applications Manager plugin to the compatible version 16515.
- Start OpManager and navigate to the Applications tab (APM Plugin tab).
- Once you've upgraded the plugin, monitor the APM plugin data migration process (from APM Plugin tab). Ensure that all necessary data is successfully migrated, and the plugin UI is accessible and functions as expected before stopping OpManager.
- In the case of APM Plugin Enterprise Edition, perform the necessary steps to upgrade the APM Admin and all related APM Managed Servers to the required version. Ensure that plugin data migration is completed successfully for all relevant APM plugins before proceeding.
- Upgrade OpManager to Final Build 127141:
- Upgrade OpManager from build 1270xx to 127141 by repeating the upgrade steps
- Follow the instructions provided for your OpManager Edition.
Note: The APM Plugin Data Migration is only applicable to setups that are utilizing the bundled PGSQL Database.
i. Standard/Professional Edition
To upgrade OpManager for Standard/Professional Edition, follow the steps given below:
Step 1: Shutdown OpManager
Windows: If OpManager is running as a Windows service, stop it from Control Panel > Services. Alternatively, you can open Command Prompt as an administrator, navigate to OpManager installation directory, and execute the ShutDownOpManager.bat script.
Linux: Open a command terminal as root user and navigate to the OpManager installation directory. Then, execute the command sh ShutDownOpManager.sh
Step 2: OpManager backup
To back up OpManager, take a VM snapshot of the product in the OpManager server if it is installed on a virtual machine. Otherwise, take a backup of the entire OpManager installation directory.
If OpManager is using a Microsoft SQL backend database, you can use SQL Server Management Studio to take a backup of the OpManager database and all the dependent plug-in databases.
To backup the OpManager database on Windows, open a command prompt with administrative privileges and navigate to the bin\backup folder under the OpManager installation directory. Then, execute the BackupDB.bat script to initiate backup.
To backup the OpManager database on Linux, open a command prompt with root privileges and navigate to the bin/backup folder under the OpManager installation directory. Then, execute the BackupDB.sh script to initiate backup.
Step 3: Upgrade process
Start the command terminal as an administrator/root and launch Launch the Update Manager tool by executing the updateManager.bat script (updateManager.sh -c for Linux) located under the <OpManager Home>/bin directory.
Click the Browse button to select the upgrade pack file (the .ppm file that you downloaded) and choose Install.
Follow the on-screen instructions to apply the service pack.
Once the upgrade is complete, start the OpManager service for the changes to take effect. Next, we need to proceed to upgrading APM plugin.
ii. Enterprise Edition
To upgrade OpManager for Enterprise Edition, follow the steps given below:
Step 1: Shutdown OpManager Central and all OpManager probes
Shut down individual instances of OpManager, following these steps:
Windows: Stop OpManager from the Windows Services Manager or terminate the OpManager-related processes in Task Manager.
Linux: Open a command terminal and navigate to the OpManager installation directory. Then, execute the command sh ShutDownOpManager.sh
Step 2: OpManager Database Backup
To back up OpManager, take a VM snapshot of the product in the OpManager server if it is installed on a virtual machine. Otherwise, take a backup of the entire OpManager installation directory.
If OpManager is using a Microsoft SQL backend database, you can use SQL Server Management Studio to take a backup of the OpManager database and all the dependent plug-in databases.
To backup the OpManager database on Windows, open a command prompt with administrative privileges and navigate to the bin\backup folder under the OpManager installation directory. Then, execute the BackupDB.bat script to initiate backup.
To backup the OpManager database on Linux, open a command prompt with root privileges and navigate to the bin/backup folder under the OpManager installation directory. Then, execute the BackupDB.sh script to initiate backup.
Step 3: Updating the Central Server
Start all Probe services for Smart Update to take effect.
In OpManager Central, start the command terminal as an administrator and launch the Update Manager tool by executing the updateManager.bat command (updateManager.sh -c for Linux) located under the <OpManager Home>/bin directory.
Click the Browse button to select the upgrade pack file (the .ppm file that you downloaded) and choose Install.
Follow the on-screen instructions to apply the service pack.
Once the upgrade is complete, start the OpManager Central service for the changes to take effect.
Step 4: Smart Update (Automatic update of Probe servers)
The Probe servers will automatically contact the Central server
Once the Probe server detects a build number mismatch with the Central server, all the Probe services will be stopped.
The Probe server downloads the Update Pack from the Central server and starts upgrading.
Once the update process is complete, restart all Probe services.
Once the update process is complete, restart all the Probe services. Next, we need to proceed to upgrading APM plugin.
Upgrading APM Plugin
Once the OpManager upgrade is completed, the next step is to upgrade the Applications Manager (APM) Plugin setup. To upgrade APM Plugin, follow the steps given below:
Step 1 - Shutdown Applications Manager Plugin
Shutdown the OpManager service. This will shutdown APM Plugin setup as well.
Step 2 - Backup Applications Manager database
If OpManager is using PostgreSQL backend, perform a complete backup of the plugin database since APM Plugin makes use of different database (amdb) in the OpManager PostgreSQL database instance.
Note: If OpManager is using a Microsoft SQL backend database and you have already performed a complete backup of APM Plugin database, you can ignore this step.
Step 3 - Upgrade Process
Start the command terminal as an administrator/root and run the Update Manager tool by executing the updateManager.bat script (updateManager.sh -c for Linux) located under the <OpManager Home>/AppManager/bin directory.
Select the downloaded APM Plugin Service pack file (.ppm) in the Update Manager tool.
Click Install. This opens a new panel where the installation process is displayed. On completion, a message "Service Pack installed successfully" is displayed and the service pack is listed in the Installed Patches section.
Once the installation is successful, click Finish to complete the installation.
Now start the OpManager service.
APM Plugin may not be available immediately after the OpManager build is started. Wait a few minutes before accessing the APM Plugin GUI.
After installing a service pack file, restart the OpManager service and access the APM Plugin GUI. Then shut down the service each time before proceeding to install the next Service Pack (.ppm) file.
In an Enterprise edition setup, upgrade the APM Plugin in all instances. Upgrade the Admin APM plugin server first before upgrading the Managed servers.