Upgrade Failed -> Reverting steps

Upgrade Failed -> Reverting steps

This article covers 2 areas :

a) Analysis stage
b) Reversion steps (rollback)

a) Analysis stage 

Please send the below files to our support for analysis:

1. Zip the complete log folder present under <servicedesk plus msp home>/server/default or from <servicedesk plus msp home>/logs and upload the same in the below-mentioned link. Please send this file immediately, so that we can start analyzing the issue.
2.Screenshot of the error message 

You can upload the files in the following link :

– In the upload page, please select ‘Product’ as ‘ServiceDesk Plus MSP’. Provide the Ticket ID if you have in the comment section.

b) Reversion steps (rollback)

  1. If you’ve had the ServiceDesk Plus – MSP and the database installed on the same Virtual Server, then a snapshot taken just before the upgrade can be used to restore the ServiceDesk Plus – MSP.
  2. If you have SQL backup (.bak) , then restore it in SQL and install new SDP MSP and connect to it.

To rebuild the server :

a. Install the previous  builds that you used before. You can download the old releases builds from here.

Before installing the build please rename the existing installation folder of ServiceDesk Plus – MSP to ServiceDeskMSP_OLD. This is important because we do not want the new installation to overwrite the existing installation or at times ,  the old instance might be needed for some references.
Note: Installation process will first try to uninstall the current setup. So, you may need to run it the second time to install the application.

b. Once installed the build , start and shut down the application once. This is a mandatory step.
d. Wait till you see the success message.
e. Start the application from services and login to the application.

For any clarifications/issues, kindly contact us through support@servicedeskplusmsp.com

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