Upgrade failure when migrating privileges for removed functions

Upgrade failure when migrating privileges for removed functions

LOG Trace :
  1. 03.08.2023 12:50:36  [com.zoho.postgres.migrate.DumpMigration]  [SCHWERWIEGEND] : Problem during upgrade.com.zoho.postgres.exception.MigrationFailureException: Restoration failed for PRE_DATA
  2. at com.zoho.postgres.migrate.DumpMigration$DefaultMigrationHandler.migrateSection(DumpMigration.java:817

  1. 03.08.2023 12:50:35  [com.zoho.postgres.migrate.DumpMigration]  [WARNUNG] : Error :::: psql:E:/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk/_pgupgrade/PRE_DATA.sql:15493: ERROR:  function pg_catalog.range_gist_compress(internal) does not exist
  2. 03.08.2023 12:50:35  [com.zoho.postgres.migrate.DumpMigration]  [INFORMATION] : GRANT
  3. 03.08.2023 12:50:35  [com.zoho.postgres.migrate.DumpMigration]  [WARNUNG] : Error :::: psql:E:/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk/_pgupgrade/PRE_DATA.sql:15507: ERROR:  function pg_catalog.range_gist_decompress(internal) does not exist
  4. 03.08.2023 12:50:35  [com.zoho.postgres.migrate.DumpMigration]  [WARNUNG] : Error :::: psql:E:/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk/_pgupgrade/PRE_DATA.sql:15514: ERROR:  function pg_catalog.range_gist_fetch(internal) does not exist
  1. 12.03.2024 17:18:48  [com.zoho.postgres.migrate.DumpMigration]  [WARNUNG] : Error :::: psql:E:/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk/Patch/AdventNet_ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus-14700-SP-0/SERVICEDESK/PreInstall/pg_migrate/_pgupgrade/PRE_DATA.sql:394: ERROR:  function pg_catalog.citextin(cstring) does not exist
  2. 12.03.2024 17:18:48  [com.zoho.postgres.migrate.DumpMigration]  [INFORMATION] : psql:E:/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk/Patch/AdventNet_ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus-14700-SP-0/SERVICEDESK/PreInstall/pg_migrate/_pgupgrade/PRE_DATA.sql:394: ERROR:  function pg_catalog.citextin(cstring) does not exist
  3. 12.03.2024 17:18:48  [com.zoho.postgres.migrate.DumpMigration]  [WARNUNG] : Error :::: psql:E:/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk/Patch/AdventNet_ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus-14700-SP-0/SERVICEDESK/PreInstall/pg_migrate/_pgupgrade/PRE_DATA.sql:401: ERROR:  function pg_catalog.citextout(citext) does not exist
  4. 12.03.2024 17:18:48  [com.zoho.postgres.migrate.DumpMigration]  [INFORMATION] : psql:E:/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk/Patch/AdventNet_ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus-14700-SP-0/SERVICEDESK/PreInstall/pg_migrate/_pgupgrade/PRE_DATA.sql:401: ERROR:  function pg_catalog.citextout(citext) does not exist
  5. 12.03.2024 17:18:48  [com.zoho.postgres.migrate.DumpMigration]  [WARNUNG] : Error :::: psql:E:/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk/Patch/AdventNet_ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus-14700-SP-0/SERVICEDESK/PreInstall/pg_migrate/_pgupgrade/PRE_DATA.sql:408: ERROR:  function pg_catalog.citextrecv(internal) does not exist
  6. 12.03.2024 17:18:48  [com.zoho.postgres.migrate.DumpMigration]  [INFORMATION] : psql:E:/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk/Patch/AdventNet_ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus-14700-SP-0/SERVICEDESK/PreInstall/pg_migrate/_pgupgrade/PRE_DATA.sql:408: ERROR:  function pg_catalog.citextrecv(internal) does not exist
  7. 12.03.2024 17:18:48  [com.zoho.postgres.migrate.DumpMigration]  [WARNUNG] : Error :::: psql:E:/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk/Patch/AdventNet_ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus-14700-SP-0/SERVICEDESK/PreInstall/pg_migrate/_pgupgrade/PRE_DATA.sql:415: ERROR:  function pg_catalog.citextsend(citext) does not exist
Cause :
  1. This issue (SD-119233) may occur when migrating the patch which involves postgres database migration such as version 14300 & 14610.
  2. During database migration, database schema, functions and all other data are migrated. For every postgres major version, there may be some functions added or removed. When migrating the schema changes & functions, privileges for each function will be provided in the latest version such that, privileges given to the same function in the older version. 
  3. If there is any alteration in privileges for any of the postgres functions, that was removed or modified in latest version, then action of providing privileges will be failure. This is what happening above.
Workaround :
  1. We can remove the privilege changes for the removed or modified functions in the older build to resolve this issue.
How to? 
  1. Connect as postgres user to the database and execute the below query.
  2. After that, perform the upgrade.
update pg_catalog.pg_proc set proacl= null;
            If the upgrade fails again, Contact the support team with latest logs.
We do not recommend executing Queries that impacts postgres database functions and other core objects. Avoid using queries that involve "GRANT ALL ", "REVOKE ALL", Update over pg_catalog or information_schemas

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