Webpage Analyzer - Troubleshooting

Webpage Analyzer - Troubleshooting

  • Web page which the customer want to monitor should be accessible from the Machine where the APM is installed.
  • Check if the customer have configured any proxy for accessing the particular URL
    • If yes, then the same proxy must be configured in the APM too
  • If there are headers, request parameters needed they should be configured appropriately.
1.Not able to add monitor
  1. Check if web page is accessible from the machine where the APM is installed.
  2. Refer here to know more about the issue.
2.Getting "Kindly install all addons to get data in Network Log,Resource Details and PageSpeed Insights tab"
  1. Download add-ons required for data collection from here and place it under <APM home>/working folder.   
    1. Still getting same error message verify if user has downloaded desired add-on based on OS type. and then verify if add-ons are placed correctly as shown in prerequisites for wpa page.
  2. Wait for 2-3 polls and check if same error message is shown.
3.Getting "Data collection failed : Unable to setup browser for data collection"
  1. Open terminal from <APM home>/working/wpaAddons/Browser/Mozilla Firefox directory.
  2. Launch Firefox from terminal and check if the browser launches successfully.
    1. If it returns an error, library not found install those library and try launching Firefox again.
    2. Sample error : ./firefox: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.17' not found (required by ./firefox) .
    3. Above error can be fixed by installing GLIBC_217 library.
    4. If it shows "Permission denied" then give permission to all users for Firefox by using the command "chmod a+x ./firefox".
    5. Go to <APM home>/working/wpaAddons/GeckoDriver give executable permission for geckodriver to all users by running the command chmod a+x ./geckodriver
    6. Wait for 2-3 polls and check again.
4.Getting "Data Collection Interrupted"
  1. Wait for 2-3 polls and check if issue still persists.
  2. Issue usually occurs when data collection for all WPA monitor happens in parallel. Since during each poll Firefox launches in headless mode and data collection occurs, so maintain an minimum poll interval between all WPA monitors.
5.Getting "No data available" error message in Pagespeed Insights tab. Refer here

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