Troubleshooting Hyper-V-Cluster data collection

Troubleshooting Hyper-V-Cluster data collection

In Hyper-V clusters, the data is collected via WMI. So if any of data is not retrieved properly in the UI, you can check and troubleshoot by executing the VBScript.

1) Go to Applications Manager's installed directory and navigate to the path <AppManager_Home>\working\conf\application\scripts and open command prompt in that path.

2) Execute the cscript.exe HyperVClusterDC.vbs script. A help menu will be displayed. Refer the sample screenshot below:

As shown in the example, you will need execute the command along with the specific category for which there is no data in the Applications Manager UI.

3) The following categories are available and the corresponding code for each category is mentioned below.
Cluster Details             - 1
Cluster Nodes               - 2
Cluster Network Messages    - 3
Cluster Network             - 4
Cluster Disk                - 5
Cluster VMs                 - 6
For example, if you are not able to view Network details in the Applications Manager UI, you can check by executing the script with the specific object code as shown below:
  1. > cscript HyperVClusterDC.vbs hostname username password 4
where you will need to replace the hostname, username and password with respective cluster's hostname, username and password.
Check the below screenshot for reference:

4) Similarly we can check the data for different categories such as disk, volumes, etc.., with its code value.
If the script execution is returning data but it is not shown in UI, reach out to our support with the screenshot of the script output to along with the latest Support Information File (SIF) after polling the problematic Hyper-V Monitor from Applications Manager with print all logs enabled for analysis.
Check the WMI reconstruction in case if script takes too long to execute or returns invalid output and empty alternatively.

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