Syntax for SDP MSP migration to Linux

Syntax for SDP MSP migration to Linux

While migrating to different database you can use backupdataold.bat. Here backup will be in .data format and this can be restored in across DB platform.

Note: Backup from taken from a particular build can be restored only on the same build. Example: Backup from 10600 build can only be restored on 10600 build. 

Use the below syntax to restore backup of SDP MSP from windows to Linux

sh -c <backup file path> --dbmigration

If in case if it fails again even after executing the above command. stating invalid file extension (we face this under some Linux versions)

Kindly add below line as shown below 'echo "Total Number of Parameters : $#"' in file. (Refer the pic)


Start the ServiceDesk service once after restoring the data in the new server.

 Connect to the database and execute the query below.

For MSSQL use the below query:

update sdeskattachment set ATTACHMENTPATH = replace(ATTACHMENTPATH, '\\', '/');

For PGSQL Database use this query:

update sdeskattachment set attachmentpath=replace (attachmentpath,'\','/') ; 

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