Set due by time in a request with value from a date time additional field - Deluge

Set due by time in a request with value from a date time additional field - Deluge

This custom function script is used to set the due by date in the request based on the value that is set in a date additional field.  This is performed using APIs for updating a request.

Request due by time will be set based on Incident / Service catalog SLA configuration. At times you need to set when the request needs to be completed by a technician rather than based on SLA.

Steps to configure:
1.  Download the attached scripts.  Copy the contents into Request custom functions.

2.  Goto Admin > Request Custom Function > Global Function > New > Paste the global function contents and save it with a name.
(Update the SDP configurations details in the global function)

3.  Goto Admin > Request Custom Function > Custom Function > New > Paste the update_dueby_time.txt content and save it with a name

4.  Configure the created custom function in a custom trigger to get executed when the request is created.

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