Script to bulk close change using deluge script based on the status

Script to bulk close change using deluge script based on the status

The following script will help you bulk close changes based on the status of change using custom schedules

1. Go to Reports tab --> New query report --> copy the query to the query editor and run the report. Save the report in the folder.

The query is available in the attachment (query.txt).

Modify the status in the query.

2. Go to Admin > Custom Schedules Functions > Global function > New > Paste the content from the attachment  configuration.txt and save it with a name.

3. Update the URL and technician key in the script. You can get the technician key under the profile in the top right corner. Refer to the attached screenshot.
Refer to the below link.

4. Go to Admin --> Custom Schedules Functions --> Custom Actions --> Paste the content from the attachment 3. 3. Close_change.txt and save it with a name.

5. Modify the global function name, report name, and status in the script. Refer to the attached screenshot.

6. Configure the custom schedule as in the attached screenshot.

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