Risk Matrix for Change using Custom Module

Risk Matrix for Change using Custom Module


A risk matrix helps in identifying risks based on how likely they are to happen and how serious their impact could be. This makes it easier to decide which risks need urgent attention and which ones can be watched over time. It helps manage and reduce risks more effectively, make better decisions, and communicate clearly about risks.

Table of contents:
  1. Objective
  2. Procedure
    1. Configure the Custom Module
    2. Configure the Risk Matrix
    3. Create Custom Functions
    4. Create a Custom Trigger


The goal is to create a risk matrix for changes that automatically calculates the risk of a change based on its priority and impact, similar to the Priority Matrix in the request module.


Step 1: Configure the Custom Module:

      Download and extract the attachment.

      Navigate to Admin > Developer space > Custom module > New, and create a new custom module as outlined below

      In "Form Customizer," create the following single-line text fields: Change Priority, Change Impact, and Change Risk. Refer to the provided screenshot for guidance.

      Go to Configurations > Roles, and associate the desired roles as specified in the screenshot below.

      Edit the custom fields and note their API Field Names for later use.

Step 2: Configure the Risk Matrix:

      Navigate to Admin > Customization > Custom Configurations and configure the risk matrix mapping as needed. Refer to the screenshot provided for detailed instructions.

Step 3: Create Custom Functions:

      Go to Admin > Developer space > Custom Functions > Global function > New > Paste the content from the attachment configuration.txt and save it with a name.

      Update the URL and the technician key accordingly. 

      Go to Admin > Change Custom Functions > Paste the content from the attachment (Update_risk_new.txt) and save it with a name.

      Ensure you modify the global function name, custom module name, and API Field Names as needed.

Step 4: Create a Custom Trigger:

      Set up a Change custom trigger as shown in the provided screenshot.

      By following these steps, we have implemented a risk matrix that automatically calculates the risk associated with changes based on their priority and impact. 

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