REST API Monitor Troubleshooting Steps

REST API Monitor Troubleshooting Steps

1. I'm not able to add a REST API Monitor
  1. I'm getting a "Failed" message or 4xx error code:
    1. Check the request configuration: Ensure that the request type and the corresponding payload is correct.
    2. Check the Authentication details being sent with the request:
      1. If you are manually entering the username and password, re-check the credentials.
      2. In case you are selecting an already configured credential, go to Admin tab -> Credentials Settings -> Check the corresponding username and password.
      3. If you are using OAuth, go to Settings tab -> OAuth Provider. Check if the OAuth Provider access token has expired and whether you have provided the necessary scope permissions required to get the data from the API. If the access token has expired, refresh the token by clicking on the "Authorize" button in the edit provider page.
      4. If you are using Web Token, go to Settings tab -> Web Token. Check if the Web Token has expired. If the webtoken has expired, recheck the Refresh Interval time.
    3. Check if the URL is valid:
      1. Access the URL in the browser and check the response code being returned.
  2. I'm getting a 5xx error code: The error codes of the 5xx format are usually sent because the API Server is unable to process the request sent by Applications Manager. Check the API configuration given in Applications Manager. If everything is correct, Check the API server logs for the data being received from Applications Manager.
  3. Others: Check if the proxy is required to monitor the API. If so, configure the same in Applications Manager under Settings.
For monitoring, API should be accessible from the machine where the Applications Manager is running.

2. Error after monitor has been created
  1. I'm getting a 4xx error code:
    1. Check if the authentication credentials required by the API have changed. To check the credentials being sent from Application's Manager, Click on Edit Monitor. This will open the edit monitor page where all the authentication details are listed.
    2. If you are manually entering the username and password for API authentication, recheck the credentials to ensure they are the valid for the API. 
    3. In case you are using an already configured credential, go to Admin tab -> Credentials Settings -> Check the corresponding username and password. Recheck the configured data to ensure they are the valid for the API. 
    4. If you are using OAuth, go to Settings tab -> OAuth Provider. Check if the OAuth Provider access token has expired and whether you have provided the necessary scope permissions required to get the data from the API. If the access token has expired, refresh the token by clicking on the "Authorize" button in the edit provider page.
    5. If you are using Web Token, go to Settings tab -> Web Token. Check if the Web Token has expired. If the webtoken has expired, recheck the Refresh Interval time.
  2. I'm getting a 5xx error code: 
    1. Check if the API server is running and handling all the requests. If the API server is running, check the API server logs for the data being received from Applications Manager.

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