Note: If you're using Applications Manager v15990 and above, check
this KB.
Follow the steps below to reset the admin account password in Applications Manager:
Open the <AppManagerHome>\conf\AMServer.Properties file using a text editor and check the value of the key am.dbserver.type=< > .
- If value is 'mysql' then follow the step for MySQL database,
- If it is 'pgsql' then follow steps for PostgreSql database otherwise, follow the steps for Microsoft SQL database.
Ensure that you have started the Applications Manager service before executing these commands.
Note: After executing these queries, the username and password will be reset to admin/admin.
For MySQL Database:
Open command prompt and navigate to <AppManagerHome>/working/mysql/bin/ directory.
Execute the following command:
For Windows:
mysql -P <mysqlport> -u root -pappmanager -h localhost -D AMDB -e "UPDATE AM_UserPasswordTable SET PASSWORD='$2a$10$va5tAqQobOh/K8sSDdhPZOF4S3rtq2MAxmnXqRVnmNBYg642A8212' WHERE USERNAME IN ('admin', 'systemadmin_enterprise')"
For Linux:
./mysql -P <mysqlport> -u root -pappmanager -h localhost --socket=./../mysql.sock -D AMDB -e "UPDATE AM_UserPasswordTable SET PASSWORD='$2a$10$va5tAqQobOh/K8sSDdhPZOF4S3rtq2MAxmnXqRVnmNBYg642A8212' WHERE USERNAME IN ('admin', 'systemadmin_enterprise')"
Note: In the above commands replace the <mysqlport> with the actual port number of your Applications Manager instance. You can cross check this value by looking up the am.db.port key entry in the <AppManagerHome>/conf/ file.
For Microsoft SQL Database:
Connect to the corresponding MSSQL database used by that Applications Manager instance and execute the below query:
UPDATE AM_UserPasswordTable SET PASSWORD='$2a$10$va5tAqQobOh/K8sSDdhPZOF4S3rtq2MAxmnXqRVnmNBYg642A8212' WHERE USERNAME IN ('admin', 'systemadmin_enterprise')
To know the Microsoft SQL database details, you can check the AppManagerHome\working\conf\database_params.conf file.
For PostgreSQL Database:
Open a command prompt and navigate to AppManagerHome/working/pgsql/bin/ directory.
Execute the following commands:
For Windows:
set PGPASSWORD=appmanager
psql -p <pgsqlport> -U postgres -h localhost -d amdb -c "UPDATE AM_UserPasswordTable SET PASSWORD='$2a$10$va5tAqQobOh/K8sSDdhPZOF4S3rtq2MAxmnXqRVnmNBYg642A8212' WHERE USERNAME IN ('admin', 'systemadmin_enterprise')";
For Linux:
export PGPASSWORD=appmanager
./psql -p <pgsqlport> -U postgres -h localhost -d amdb -c "UPDATE AM_UserPasswordTable SET PASSWORD='$2a$10$va5tAqQobOh/K8sSDdhPZOF4S3rtq2MAxmnXqRVnmNBYg642A8212' WHERE USERNAME IN ('admin', 'systemadmin_enterprise')";
Note: In the above commands replace the <pgsqlport> with the actual port number of your Applications Manager instance. You can cross check this value by looking up the am.db.port key entry in the <AppManagerHome>/conf/ file.