Reset Applications Manager login password for admin account (For v15690 to v15980)

Reset Applications Manager login password for admin account (For v15690 to v15980)

Note: If you're using Applications Manager v15990 and above, check this KB.
Follow the steps below to reset the admin account password in Applications Manager:
Open the <AppManagerHome>\conf\AMServer.Properties file using a text editor and check the value of the key am.dbserver.type=< > .
  1. If value is 'mysql' then follow the step for MySQL database,
  2. If it is 'pgsql' then follow steps for PostgreSql database otherwise, follow the steps for Microsoft SQL database.
Ensure that you have started the Applications Manager service before executing these commands.
Note: After executing these queries, the username and password will be reset to admin/admin.

For MySQL Database:

Open command prompt and navigate to <AppManagerHome>/working/mysql/bin/ directory.
Execute the following command:
For Windows:
mysql -P <mysqlport> -u root -pappmanager -h localhost -D AMDB -e "UPDATE AM_UserPasswordTable SET PASSWORD='$2a$10$va5tAqQobOh/K8sSDdhPZOF4S3rtq2MAxmnXqRVnmNBYg642A8212' WHERE USERNAME IN ('admin', 'systemadmin_enterprise')"
For Linux:
./mysql -P <mysqlport> -u root -pappmanager -h localhost --socket=./../mysql.sock -D AMDB -e "UPDATE AM_UserPasswordTable SET PASSWORD='$2a$10$va5tAqQobOh/K8sSDdhPZOF4S3rtq2MAxmnXqRVnmNBYg642A8212' WHERE USERNAME IN ('admin', 'systemadmin_enterprise')"

Note: In the above commands replace the <mysqlport> with the actual port number of your Applications Manager instance. You can cross check this value by looking up  the am.db.port  key entry in the <AppManagerHome>/conf/ file.

For Microsoft SQL Database:

Connect to the corresponding MSSQL database used by that Applications Manager instance and execute the below query:
UPDATE AM_UserPasswordTable SET PASSWORD='$2a$10$va5tAqQobOh/K8sSDdhPZOF4S3rtq2MAxmnXqRVnmNBYg642A8212' WHERE USERNAME IN ('admin', 'systemadmin_enterprise')
To know the Microsoft SQL database details, you can check the AppManagerHome\working\conf\database_params.conf file.

For PostgreSQL Database:

Open a command prompt and navigate to AppManagerHome/working/pgsql/bin/ directory.
Execute the following commands:

For Windows:
set PGPASSWORD=appmanager
psql -p <pgsqlport> -U postgres -h localhost  -d amdb -c "UPDATE AM_UserPasswordTable SET PASSWORD='$2a$10$va5tAqQobOh/K8sSDdhPZOF4S3rtq2MAxmnXqRVnmNBYg642A8212' WHERE USERNAME IN ('admin', 'systemadmin_enterprise')";

For Linux:
export PGPASSWORD=appmanager
./psql -p <pgsqlport> -U postgres -h localhost -d amdb -c "UPDATE AM_UserPasswordTable SET PASSWORD='$2a$10$va5tAqQobOh/K8sSDdhPZOF4S3rtq2MAxmnXqRVnmNBYg642A8212' WHERE USERNAME IN ('admin', 'systemadmin_enterprise')";

Note: In the above commands replace the <pgsqlport> with the actual port number of your Applications Manager instance. You can cross check this value by looking up  the am.db.port  key entry in the <AppManagerHome>/conf/ file.

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