How to reset Super Admin Password in Applications Manager

How to reset Super Admin Password in Applications Manager

Please follow the steps below to reset Super Admin Password:
Note: This option is available from AppManager v15990 only. If you're using older versions, check this KB.
These steps are applicable for Microsoft SQL and PostgreSQL database backends.
For Windows:

1. Open Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
2. Navigate to <APM_HOME>/working/bin directory. (<APM_HOME> is the directory in which you've installed Applications Manager)
3. Execute the below command:
ResetAdminPassword.bat <New_Super_Admin_Password>
where New_Super_Admin_Password is the new password.

For Linux:

1. Open Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
2. Navigate to <APM_HOME>\working\bin directory. (<APM_HOME> is the directory in which you've installed Applications Manager)
3. Execute the below command:
sh <New_Super_Admin_Password>
where New_Super_Admin_Password is the new password.

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