Populate requester details in request additional field using business rule - Deluge

Populate requester details in request additional field using business rule - Deluge

This sample script is to populate the requester details in a request additional field. 
Based on the requester name selected, we can fetch the user additional field information and populate the content in request additional field.

Use Case: 

Let us consider a scenario where certain employee details are imported from the Active Directory into User - Additional Fields.  The business requirement is to mail these details technician who is handling a specific type of request.

To do this an additional field common to both incident and service request templates can be added under Admin Tab \ Incident Additional Fields.  This is necessary to make the field's placeholder show up when setting up the technician notification. 

The next step is to configure a Business Rule that will get the value from the User - Additional field and populate that into the request additional field.

Steps to configure:
1.  Download the attached scripts.  Copy the contents into Request custom functions.

2.  Goto Admin > Request Custom Function > Global Function > New > Paste the "global_function_4 - Configuration.txt" content and save it with a name.
(Update the SDP configurations details in the global function)

3.  Goto Admin > Request Custom Function > Custom Function > New > Paste the "BR_Update UserAdditionalInfo_in_RequestAdditionalField.txt" content and save it with a name

4.  Configure the created custom function in a Business Rule to get executed every time a request is created.

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