How to populate requester details in request additional field using business rule.

How to populate requester details in request additional field using business rule.

This sample script is to populate the requester details in a request additional field. 
Based on the requester name selected, we can fetch the user additional field information and populate the content in request additional field.

Use Case: 

Let us consider a scenario where certain employee details are imported from the Active Directory into User - Additional Fields.The business requirement is to mail these details technician who is handling specific type of requests.

To do this a additional field common to both incident and service request templates can be added under Admin Tab \ Incident Additional Fields.This is necessary to make the field's placeholder show up when setting up the technician notification.The next step is to configure the Field and Form Rule that will get the value from the User - Additional field and populate that into the request additional field.

Execution Steps: 

1.Download the contents and paste it under \ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\integrations\Custom_scripts 
2.Change the additional field api name and the portal name in the script. Refer to the screenshot.
3.Configure business rule as in the attached screenshot.

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