Plaintext issues in Graph mail

Plaintext issues in Graph mail

Issue: While processing incoming mails with Graph, there were 2 issues found.

1. When plain text mail sent to application, the description gets trimmed to 250 characters.
2. When email commands are placed in the description of the mail at the end or if the description is long, the email commands weren't working.

Reason: The plaintext content of the mail is obtained using a property which by default returns only 250 characters instead of full plain text content. 

Fix: The plaintext content of the mail is handled properly with the attached fjar file.

Steps to apply the fjar

1. Download the attached 14302_8985241.fjar file.
3. Click here on steps to apply the fjar file.
3. Restart the application service.
4. Check for the plain text issues (when mail sent as plaintext / mails with long description and email commands at the end of the description)
5. If the issue occurs again, Go to Incoming settings > Enable email debug > Save and start the fetching again > Recreate the issue > immediately zip the logs (<server_home>\logs folder. For eg: C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\logs folder) and share it with us for analysis. If the size of the log file is huge, you can send it to us using our FTP link Select the product as "ServiceDesk Plus" and enter your ticket number.

The attached 14302_8985241_v1.fjar file is compatible with 14201 - 14304 builds.

Issue ID: SD-112701

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