Permission for all technicians to view/associate billing contract names in tickets

Permission for all technicians to view/associate billing contract names in tickets

In certain cases, Contract association permission has been set only to SDAdmins due to which regular technicians does not have permission to associate contracts in tickets. 

This can be verified from the globalconfig table using the below query,

select * from globalconfig where category like '%AssociateContract%';

We can provide permission to all technicians via a DB query.

 It is highly recommended to take a backup / VM Snapshot before executing the queries. 

Kindly plan for a down time since it requires restart of the ME application.

1. Please take a trimmed backup/ VM Snapshot.

2. Kindly Connect to the database and execute the below queries one after the other,

update globalconfig set paramvalue='All technicians' where category like '%ContractAssociationPermission%';

update globalconfig set paramvalue='All technicians' where category like '%ViewAssociatedContractPermission%';

3. Restart the application windows service.

4. Check whether the regular technicians are able to view/associate contracts from tickets.

Note The param values in the update queries are case sensitive, 
The value is All technicians and not  All Technicians

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