PDF Export - Issue after Puppetter upgrade in 14820

PDF Export - Issue after Puppetter upgrade in 14820


After upgrading to Puppeteer from PhantomJS in Build 14820, some tickets have been raised with exceptions like "Error in Exporting Data." The server logs in the reports module may display errors similar to:

java.lang.Exception: {"error":{"message":"An `executablePath` or `channel` must be specified for `puppeteer-core`","stack":"Error: An `executablePath` or `channel` must be specified for `puppeteer-core`\n at assert (C:\\snapshot\\node_files\\node_modules\\puppeteer-core\\lib\\cjs\\puppeteer\\util\\assert.js:18:15)\n at ChromeLauncher.computeLaunchArguments (C:\\snapshot\\node_files\\node_modules\\puppeteer-core\\lib\\cjs\\puppeteer\\node\\ChromeLauncher.js:102:36)\n at async ChromeLauncher.launch (C:\\snapshot\\node_files\\node_modules\\puppeteer-core\\lib\\cjs\\puppeteer\\node\\ProductLauncher.js:69:28)\n at async C:\\snapshot\\node_files\\index.js:150:25","statuscode":200}}

Possible Reasons:

No Internet Connection: The server does not have an Internet connection to download Chromium.

Blocked URLs: The server blocks access to the following URLs:



SSL Issues: SSL issues with these URLs can prevent Chromium download.

Steps to Resolve:

Check Internet Connectivity:

If the internet access cannot be provided for security reasons, please be informed that it is a one-time process. After the PDF export is set up, the internet access can be blocked again.

Try accessing the URLs (https://storage.googleapis.com/ and https://npmmirror.com/) in a browser.

If the URLs are blocked, please ask the network team to allow them. If not feasible, manually download and install Chromium.

Manual Chromium Installation:

1. Download the appropriate PDF executable zip file from this link.

2. Extract the zip file to the /custom/pdffolder directory.

3. Restart the service and attempt the PDF export again.

Check Configuration File:

If the issue still persists,


1. Navigate to /custom/pdffolder/.pcr-stats.json. If this file is missing, create it with the following content:

   "puppeteerVersion": "21.11.0",
   "platform": "win64",
   "revision": "<revision number from the LAST_CHANGE API>",
   "cacheDir": "Build pdffolder directory",
   "snapshotsDir": "Chromium folder",
   "executablePath": "Chromium executable path"

Sample Configuration:

   "puppeteerVersion": "21.11.0",
   "platform": "win64",
   "revision": "1343995",
   "cacheDir": "C:/Builds/Natraj/sdp_preview/AdventNet/ME/ServiceDesk/custom/clientUtils",
   "snapshotsDir": "C:/Builds/Natraj/sdp_preview/AdventNet/ME/ServiceDesk/custom/clientUtils/.chromium-browser-snapshots",
   "executablePath": "C:/Builds/Natraj/sdp_preview/AdventNet/ME/ServiceDesk/custom/clientUtils/.chromium-browser-snapshots/chromium/win64-1343995/chrome-win/chrome.exe"

If it is present but couldn't find the  "executablePath" , then please follow the Manual Chromium Installation process.

Manual Installation Process:

Access the latest revision ID from the following URLs:

Windows: Link

Linux: Link

Download Chromium using the obtained revision ID:

Windows: https://storage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/Win_x64/${revision}/chrome-win.zip

Linux: https://storage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/Linux_x64/${revision}/chrome-linux.zip

(where ${revision} is the obtained revision ID)

Extract Chromium to the /custom/pdffolder/ directory, locate the executable file, and update the executablePath and other details in the .pcr-stats.json file as shown in the stats example above.

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