Pdfexport fails after after upgrading to Puppetter from Phantom; We have had several customer tickets with an exception trace "Error in Exporting Data" and serverout log traces with:
1.Server doesn't have an Internet connection to download chromium.
2. Server blocks below two URLs:
a. https://storage.googleapis.com/
b. https://npmmirror.com/
Steps to Resolve:
Step 1 : Download the appropriate pdfexport executable files from this link and extract the file contents in /ServiceDesk/custom/pdffolder/. Make sure to replace all existing files.
Step 2 : Navigate to the /ServiceDesk/custom/pdffolder directory and run the executable with the following commands:
For Windows
For Linux
You should receive a success message that includes the new Chromium executable path and a .pcr_stats.json file
Test PDF Export: After following the above steps, try exporting the reports again to see if the issue is resolved.
Kindly check the alias URL in Admin> Advanced Portal Settings " Alias URL " this should be accessible from the server.