Absence of data in the Pods tab or some tabs in the OpenShift monitor

Absence of data in the Pods tab or some tabs in the OpenShift monitor

      To collect data for the OpenShift Monitor, Applications Manager uses the SSH protocol to connect to the OpenShift server and execute "oc" commands. However, a timeout issue may occur while collecting data if the environment has a large number of pods. We are suggesting two solutions to resolve this issue. To resolve this issue, follow the steps given below:

Solution 1:

Enable Rest API Mode of Monitoring for OpenShift Monitor. This will fix this the timeout issue.

Solution 2:

  1. Use ServerSSHTroubleshoot.bat or sh file from <APM_Home>\bin\troubleshooting to establish an SSH connection with the OpenShift server.
  2. Execute the "oc get pods -o json --all-namespaces" command and calculate the time taken for the command to complete.
  3. Edit the OpenShift Monitor from the Applications Manager GUI.
  4. Update the Timeout value to the time taken for command execution (in seconds).
  5. Update the polling interval to twice the Timeout value (in minutes).
For example, if the command execution time is 300 seconds, update the Timeout value to 300 seconds and the polling interval to 10 minutes.
If the issue persists, send an email to appmanager-support@manageengine.com with a screenshot of the "Edit Monitor" page after clicking on the Test credentials option along with the latest Support Information File (SIF) from Applications Manager with print all logs enabled for analysis.

We're currently in the R&D phase of supporting Prometheus mode for OpenShift monitoring. Once it's released, this issue should be resolved.

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