No data available (or) error in Microsoft Skype for Business monitor

No data available (or) error in Microsoft Skype for Business monitor

If data is not available or if you encounter any error during data collection for Skype for Business monitor, follow the steps below:

If you are using AppManager version 15470 and above,  you can navigate to Admin > Self Help Tools and choose the monitor type to troubleshoot the problem. Click here for more details.
If you are using AppManager version below 15470, follow the troubleshooting steps mentioned below.
  1. Open command prompt in administrator mode in Applications Manager-installed machine.

  2. Go to <Applications Manager Home>\bin\troubleshooting directory.

  3. Execute the LyncServerDebug.bat file.

  4. Enter the Hostname, Username and Password when prompted.

  5. Copy the output to a text file.

Reach out to our support team with the text file containing the output to along with the latest Support Information File (SIF) from Applications Manager with print all logs enabled for analysis.

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