Mail Fetching: Inability in Decoding 'iso-8859-8-i' Encoded Subjects Results In Mail Fetching failure

Mail Fetching: Inability in Decoding 'iso-8859-8-i' Encoded Subjects Results In Mail Fetching failure

      Mail fetching fails when the subject is encoded with 'iso-8859-8-i' due to the inability to decode the subject. This issue occurs across IMAP, POP, and EWS configurations.

Issue ID: SD-120959

Error Trace for EWS: 
[12:01:48:189]|[06-10-2024]|[com.manageengine.servicedesk.mail.core.fetcher.EwsMailFetcher]|[INFO]|[342]: Going to process using MIME ?::true|
[12:01:48:189]|[06-10-2024]|[com.manageengine.servicedesk.mailutils.MailAPI]|[INFO]|[342]: Failed to decode. So returning {1}|
[12:01:48:189]|[06-10-2024]|[com.manageengine.servicedesk.mail.core.fetcher.EwsMailFetcher]|[SEVERE]|[342]: Error in accessing : message[12]|
[12:01:48:189]|[06-10-2024]|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[342]: iso-8859-8-i|
[12:01:48:189]|[06-10-2024]|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[342]: at java.lang.StringCoding.decode(|
[12:01:48:189]|[06-10-2024]|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[342]: at java.lang.String.<init>(|
[12:01:48:189]|[06-10-2024]|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[342]: at javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility.decodeWord(|
[12:01:48:189]|[06-10-2024]|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[342]: at javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility.decodeText(|
[12:01:48:189]|[06-10-2024]|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[342]: at com.manageengine.servicedesk.mailutils.MailAPI.decodeMime(|
[12:01:48:189]|[06-10-2024]|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[342]: at com.manageengine.servicedesk.mail.core.fetcher.EwsMailFetcher.fetchAndProcessMails(|
[12:01:48:189]|[06-10-2024]|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[342]: at com.manageengine.servicedesk.mail.core.fetcher.MailFetcher.startFetching(|
[12:01:48:189]|[06-10-2024]|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[342]: at com.adventnet.servicedesk.helpdesk.mail.task.MailFetchingTask.executeTask(|
[12:01:48:189]|[06-10-2024]|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[342]: at com.adventnet.taskengine.internal.SchedulerBean.executeTask(|
Error trace for POP or IMAP:
[11:13:12:885]|[06-06-2024]|[com.manageengine.servicedesk.mailutils.MailAPI]|[INFO]|[303]: Failed to decode. So returning {1}|
[11:13:12:885]|[06-06-2024]|[com.manageengine.servicedesk.mail.core.fetcher.JavaMailFetcher]|[SEVERE]|[303]: Error in accessing : message[0]|
Use the provided fix JAR file to resolve the issue. This solution ensures proper decoding of the subject.

Before applying the .fjar file, kindly verify its compatibility in the "Jar Compatibility" section below.

Steps to apply the fix:
1. Download the attached .fjar file.
2. Click here for steps to apply the .fjar file.
3. Restart the application service.
4. If the issue occurs again, enable the email debug in the application, recreate the issue after enabling the email debug then immediately zip the logs (<server_home>\logs folder. For eg: C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\logs folder) and share it with us for analysis. If the size of the log file is huge, you can send it to us using our FTP link Select the product as "ServiceDesk Plus" and provide the proper ticket number.
Jar Compatibility:
Compatible Jar
14740 & 14750

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