How to enable HTTPS connection between end user and RUM Agent?

How to enable HTTPS connection between end user and RUM Agent?

By default end user data will be collected and sent via HTTP connection to RUM Agent. To enable HTTPS connection you should have an valid SSL Certificate (keystore file basically), not a self signed certificate.
  1. Open the file located under <RUMAgent_Home>/conf/ directory in any text editor.
    1. Search for apm.rum.isHttps key in file, set the value as true and save the changes.
  2. Copy the keystore file which has your SSL Certificate into the <RUMAgent_Home>/conf/sslcerts/ directory.
  3. Open the file located under <RUMAgent_Home>/conf/sslcerts/ directory in any text editor.
    1. Update your keystore file name in keystore key.
    2. Remove the key encryptedkeypass (if present).
    3. Update your keystore password in keypass key and save the changes.
  4. Default RUM Agent SSL port is 8444.
    1. To change it, replace the existing port number with new port number in file located under <RUMAgent_Home>/conf/ directory.
  5. Save all the changes.
  6. Restart RUM Agent.
  7. Access https://hostname:sslport in browser and check if Agent has started and accessible properly on SSL port.
  8. Now replace agentprotocol as https and agentport with SSL port in the RUM script generated by Applications Manager.
Using an self signed or untrusted certificate will affect data collection of the Real User Monitor.
Note: If you import any certificate in the RUM agent, ensure that the keystore password & keystore certificate password are the same.

Supporting KBs:
  1. Convert Certificate and Key (Private) into a keystore file

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