How DC agents or RAE push data to SDP MSP ?

How DC agents or RAE push data to SDP MSP ?

Here is the scenario and the design :

1. DC MSP directly sends to SDP MSP.
a. DC MSP gets workstation scanned details from its DC agents and send the data to SDP MSP. This is normal integration model.
To make it work , 2 rules is to be satisfied :
This works only if Accounts name in SDP MSP and customer Name in DC MSP exactly matches.
And Site Name in SDP MSP and Remote Office name in DC MSP exactly matches.

Please note : DC Agents cannot send data to SDP MSP directly

2. DC Agent can send data to RAE (Distributed asset scan - Remote Asset explorer)
a. In this new model, RAE has its bundled trimmed DC server.
b. DC agent will send data to  bundled trimmed DC server and in turn data will be pushed to RAE.
c. Now the RAE will send the data to SDP MSP in zipped format.

From 10526 build , there is no Asset Explorer agents (AE agents concept). All are replaced with DC trimmed version agent which works in above design.

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