Remote AE (Asset Scanning) Behavior changes

Remote AE (Asset Scanning) Behavior changes

You can download the compatible version of Remote AE from the installed version of ServiceDeskPlus-MSP. Please go to Admin > Distributed Asset Scan and make use of the below highlighted.  If you already have Asset Explorer in older versions, please uninstall the same and use the latest as mentioned: 

Once you are in the  6900  version of Remote Asset Explorer, under  Scan >> Agent Configuration , you will be prompted to download the DC as well, post which you can sync DC with Asset explorer and asset explorer with SDP-MSP. Once you have deployed the DC agent, it will send the details to the Asset Explorer post which it will be sent to SDP-MSP.

This change is applicable for Assets from build  10526  and above.  With this release, we are replacing the existing AE agent used in Remote Asset Explorer(RAE - Distributed scan) with the EndpointCentral agent.  Agent-based scanning can no longer be initiated directly from ServiceDesk Plus MSP. All agents need to push data via Remote AE servers only.

Changes due to DC Bundle in RAE installation

1. AE agents used for scanning Windows machines are replaced with EndpointCentral agents.
2. WMI scan (used for Windows machines) and SSH/Telnet scan (used for Linux and Mac machines) are no longer supported. Linux and Mac machines should also be scanned using the new EndpointCentral agent.
3. The script-based scanning used to scan devices outside your domain/network is no longer supported.
4. Removed the "MAC Address identification during scan" configuration from scan settings.
5. Removed the option to choose machines for the remote control prompt. However, you can enable/disable the remote control prompt for all machines under Admin >> Agent Configuration.
6. Removed "WMI Timeout" and "Automatic Delta Scan" configurations from scan settings.
7. Configuring TCP protocols and ciphers are no longer supported.

Please follow the below mentioned
1. Install Remote Asset Explorer with SDP-MSP using distributed asset scan. Please find the complete instructions  here.
2. The Remote asset explorer should be installed on each site under a Customer/Client Account. 
3. Once you have installed the Asset Explorer, you can deploy the agents through that application. Since the agent is a DC agent, the Asset Explorer will require you to install a EndpointCentral which is bundled along with Asset Explorer before you deploy the agent. Under  Scan >> Agent Configuration  >> The application will automatically prompt you to install the DC if you have not installed it already. 

4: You need to configure the SDP-MSP Application server settings in  Asset explorer to sync the assets from Asset Explorer to SDP-MSP. To configure that navigate to Admin>>Distributed asset scan>>Central server settings(If you are unable find central server settings click "Change as remote server" and you will find the central server settings")

Once the details are entered as follows you need to click on fetch it will fetch the sites in SDP-MSP and you can select the site for this Remote Asset explorer and save.
Screenshot for reference:

3. Once the DC is installed as initated in step 3, Download the respective agents from Admin>>Agent configuration and once the agents are deployed in the respective assets it will be automatically synced/scanned. Now, the DC agent will send the information to Remote Asset Explorer and the Remote Asset Explorer will send the details to SDP-MSP as shown below: 

With Regards to Asset Explorer License:
You don't have to split the license. You can use the same license in different Asset explorers installed. The license will work based on the below:
1. As per your MSP License, say you have 250 Assets.
2. Say you have 3 sites, with 3 different Asset Explorers (AE) installed each with a license of 250 Assets.
3. Summing up above step 2, it will come to around 750 assets. But when the assets are pushed to MSP, the first 250 assets will only be licensed. 

So the above Asset Categorization from AE to SDPMSP works based on, a "First Come, First serve" basis

With Regards to EndpointCentral License:
1. This does not require you to purchase an additional license in EndpointCentral unless you want to utilize the EndpointCentral features for those assets.
2. You can still collect inventory data in the free edition (Post the 30 days free\trail license) of EndpointCentral with the license you have for ServiceDeskPlus-MSP.
3. The free license of 25 computers will be applicable for the machines that you choose to use where you can manage them with the features supported in EndpointCentral and the rest of the machines will be considered to be ServiceDeskPlus-MSP managed assets and still continue to collect inventory data for them.

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