Remote Asset explorer license Explained

Remote Asset explorer license Explained

With the behavior change in the ServiceDeskPlus-MSP as mentioned in this post. Hope, you are aware that the Remote Asset explorer needs to be installed in each site, from where the assets will be pushed to ServiceDeskPlus-MSP.

Considering the above, you don't have to Purchase Remote Asset Explorer (RAE) License. As you have already purchased the Asset nodes in ServiceDeskPlus-MSP,  you can contact our sales team ( to share the license for the Remote Asset Explorer instance.

Please check the below mentioned on how the license is calculated for Remote Asset Explorer:

1. As per your MSP License, say you have 2000 Assets.
2. Say you have 2 sites, with 2 different RAE installed, each with a license of 2000 Assets.
3. Summing up above (step 2), it will come to 4000 assets in total. But when the assets are pushed to MSP, the first 2000 assets will only be licensed. 

So the above Asset Categorization from RAE to SDP-MSP works based on, a "First Come, First serve" basis.

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