Forgot Password link validity and email content

Forgot Password link validity and email content

To change the validity of forgot password link, please execute the below query and restart SDP service.

update globalconfig set paramvalue='1440' where parameter='FORGOT_PASSWORD_LINK_VALIDITY' and category = 'SECURITY_SETTINGS';

here, 1440 minutes represents 24 hours, and can be changed to the requirements.

Change the Forgot Password message

Changing the email content is not provided in the UI for now, and will be released later. Until then, to change the mail content sent in forgot password email, you have to change a property in UI and modify the content manually in the Files.
  1. Go to Translation under Admin (Or "Common Translations" under ESM Directory)
  2. Search for "reset your password" and click Edit on the mail content
  3. Now, replace the content with a generic text like "Forgot Password mail content" and click Save.

  1. Now, go to <sdp>\lib\resources and open the latest modified file (eg:

  1. Now, modify the below HTML content according to your need and paste it there.
Hi $LoginName, <br><br>Please click the following link to reset your password: <br><br>$PasswordResetLink <br><br><strong>Note:</strong> This link will be valid for $LinkValidity only. <br><br> Thank you.
  1. Make sure everything is in the same line and save the file (use <br> if you need new line in email content)

  1. Restart SDP services, and further emails will use this content.

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