How to connect to the ServiceDesk database?

How to connect to the ServiceDesk database?

Open command prompt on the server and change the directory to MangeEngine\ServiceDesk\bin, invoke the batch file 'changeDBServer.bat'

For MSSQL database 

Connect to the query analyzer of the SQL server and execute the queries.

For PostgreSQL database

Open command prompt on the application server and change the directory to ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\pgsql\bin>

For environments running version 9.4

(To know the database used, check the file named databaseinfo under [SDP-Home]/conf folder)

For environments running version 9.3 and below
(To know the database used, check the file named databaseinfo under [SDP-Home]/server/default/conf folder)

Open command prompt on the application server,connect to the folder ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\pgsql\bin> psql.exe -U postgres -p 65432 -d servicedesk -h

For environments running version 10.5 and above

Open command prompt on the application server, connect to the folder ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\pgsql\bin> psql.exe -U sdpadmin -p 65432 -d servicedesk -h

when prompted for password enter sdp@123 and connect to the database.

For  MySQL database

Open command prompt on the application server and change the directory to ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\mysql\bin>

use the below command to the connect to the database

mysql.exe -u root -P 33366 servicedesk

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