Fix: Attachments with mismatched content-type cannot be added through mail

Fix: Attachments with mismatched content-type cannot be added through mail


Attachments with mismatched content-type are stripped when sent through mail. The sender of the mail as well the technicians configured under "Application error" notification rule will be notified on this (Refer here for more details). But in cases the attachment seems to be valid but the content-type of such attachments aren't available in SDP's database to prove it valid. So, valid attachments are stripped which is causing business critical inconvenience.


To overcome this issue, we have prepared a fjar (fix jar file). Once this fjar is applied, an entry in GlobalConfig table will be populated as below
(Note: This entry will be populated once the mail fetching schedule is started and an email with attachment is processed by the application. After this creation, this entry will not be populated for every service restart).

As the paramvalue is "false", content-type for the extension of the attachment file will not be checked while adding through mail. However, they will checked while uploading the attachment file through product UI irrespective of the above DB entry.

If user doesn't want to have this behaviour, they can update the paramvalue to "true" to bring back the old behaviour. To do that, user needs to execute the below update query by connecting to database and once updated, restart the application services to bring back the old behaviour.

update globalconfig set paramvalue='true' where parameter like 'STRICT_VALIDATE_CONTENT_TYPE_ATTACHMENTS';

Steps to apply this workaround:

1. Download the attached 14006_attachment_content_type_mismatch.fjar file.
2. Click here on steps to apply the fjar file.
3. Restart the application service.
4. Check for the issue. If it occurs again, kindly share us the logs for analysis. If the size of the log file is huge, you can send it to us using our FTP link Select the product as "ServiceDesk Plus" and ticket number as <created_ticket_number_through_mail>.

This 14006_attachment_content_type_mismatch.fjar is compatible with 14006 build alone

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