Error : Unable to fetch Exchange Queues as CredSSP authentication is needed
This error occurs in Exchange Server monitor for non-mailbox roles when Queues monitoring is enabled. This usually occurs when the Applications Manager-installed server and the Exchange Server are present in different domains. You need to use CredSSP authentication to delegate the credentials to fetch the Queues data. Follow the below steps to resolve the issue:
- Check whether the prerequisites for enabling CredSSP authentication are implemented.
- If the connection is successful, go to the Edit monitor page of the Exchange Server monitor, then enable the "Use CredSSP Authentication" check box and update the monitor.
- Now poll the monitor and check whether the Queues data is collected.
- If you still face any error, open an admin PowerShell window in the Applications Manager-installed server. Navigate to <Applications Manager Home>\working\conf\application\scripts\powershell directory and execute the below command by replacing hostname, username, and password with that of the reported Exchange server:
.\EX_Queues.ps1 'hostname' 'username' 'password' 'Credssp'
- Get the output and copy it to a text file.
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