Error : Unable to fetch Exchange Queues

Error : Unable to fetch Exchange Queues

If this error occurs in the Exchange Server monitor, follow the below steps:
  1. Check whether all the prerequisites for Exchange server are implemented.
  2. For non-mailbox roles, if CredSSP authentication is enabled, check whether the prerequisites for enabling CredSSP authentication are implemented.
  3. Open the admin PowerShell window in the Applications Manager-installed server, navigate to <Applications Manager Home>\working\conf\application\scripts\powershell directory and execute the below command by replacing hostnameusername, and password with that of the reported Exchange server.
For Mailbox role:
.\EX_Mailboxes.ps1 'hostname' 'username' 'password' 'ExchangeQueues'
For non-Mailbox roles: (Use the Credssp argument if the Applications manager server and Exchange server are in different domains)
.\EX_Queues.ps1 'hostname' 'username' 'password' 'Credssp'
  1. Get the output and copy it to a text file.
Reach out to our support team with the screenshots of the prerequisites done and text file containing the output to along with the latest Support Information File (SIF) from Applications Manager with print all logs enabled for analysis.

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